Colombia Basin DSDP502 6MYr Amino Acid Racemization Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Colombia Basin DSDP502 6MYr Amino Acid Racemization Data LAST UPDATE: 6/2011 (Original receipt by WDC Paleo) CONTRIBUTOR: Fletcher, R.R. IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2011-079 WDC PALEO CONTRIBUTION SERIES CITATION: Fletcher, R.R. 2011. Colombia Basin DSDP502 6MYr Amino Acid Racemization Data. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 2011-079. NOAA/NCDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Fletcher, R.R. 1994. Comparative planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Colombia Basin and the Northeast Gulf of Mexico. PhD Thesis, University of Delaware, Dept. of Geology. 580 pp. ABSTRACT: The aminostratigraphy of Colombia Basin DSDP Core 502 is reported using measurements of the D-alloisoleucine/L-isoleucine (A/I) value obtained from total hydrolyzates and free amino acid analyses of mixed foraminiferal samples. Samples were obtained from every 2.5 to 5.0 meters within the Pleistocene section, and every 5.0 to 10.0 meters for the Pliocene section, back to an estimated age of approximately 6 Ma. Age assignments are based on paleomagnetic or biostratigraphic datums. Individual taxa were not abundant enough for single-species analyses, but the percentages of spinose and non-spinose taxa were determined for each sample. Based on other studies, the non-spinose are generally faster racemizing taxa than the spinose, so the relative abundance of these two categories is a general guide for understanding down-core variations in A/I values. Results from this study can be compared with the bulk sediment analyses from DSDP 502 published by Kvenvolden and Blunt (1982). ADDITIONAL REFERENCE: Fletcher, R.R., J.F. Wehmiller, R.E. Martin, and B.J. Johnson. 1991. Comparative planktonic foraminiferal aminostratigraphy of the Colombia Basin and the Northeast Gulf of Mexico. Meeting presentation, abstract only, AAPG Bulletin, Vol. 75, No. 3, 1991, pp. 575. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Caribbean Sea PERIOD OF RECORD: 6 MYrBP - present FUNDING SOURCES: Exxon Eastern Region Paleontology Lab, US National Science Foundation (NSF) grant EAR89-15747 DESCRIPTION: Extent of racemization (epimerization) in mixed foraminifera samples, DSDP Site 502, Colombia Basin, western Caribbean Sea, for the past 6 million years. DSDP Site 502: 11°29.418'N, 79°22.782'W, water depth 3051m. For additional information: Amino acids in sediments from Leg 68 Site 502: Kvenvolden, K.A. and D.J. Blunt. doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.68.122.1982 DSDP Site 502 Site Description: Age assignments for DSDP 502: LABORTAORY AND ANALYTICAL INFORMATION Lab history University of Delaware (UDEL) Lab PI J. F. Wehmiller Preparation date 1989-1990 Pretreatment Sieve >125 µm, distilled water wash, air dry, vacuum picking to remove unidentifiable fragments or mineral debris; repeated wash with hydrogen peroxide (1:3), ammonium hydroxide; sonication in 3x distilled water prior to oven drying at 40o C. AA fraction = AMINO FRACTION Hydrolysis procedure 22 hr at 105°C in 6 M HCl under N2 (see "Hydrolysis time") Bleach Yes Analytical method High pressure ion exchange liquid chromatography (IELC) Instrumental programming Buffer gradient; concentrations based on separate chromatograms of standards Area or height ratio Height Blank corrections none Response factors none Data screening criteria none Interlab comparisons Yes SAMPLE LOCATION INFORMATION Country or ocean Atlantic State or province or sea Caribbean Sea Locality descriptors DSDP SITE 502: HOLES 502A, 502B Lat (°) 11.491 Lon (°) -79.378 Coordinate precision Datum Elevation, m -3051 Elevation precision SAMPLE MATERIAL AND CONTEXT Material type Mixed foraminifera Genus Species Number of individuals 300 to 500 Field context marine Field context core Field context stratified section Collection date Collector Fletcher Sample PI Fletcher Stratigraphic unit or age Numerical age = APPROX AGE, Ma (from: Field ID = DSDP Site 502 Field ID 1 = Composite core depth, meters below sea floor (mbsf) Field ID 2 Sample ID = Sample name Fraction of shell Sample position RESULTS Lab code UDEL Lab ID =Lab number Number of chromatograms 2 Sample or analytical quality AI = Alloisoleucine/Isoleucine Free field 1 = Hydrolysis time Free field 2 = % spinose Free field 3 = % non-spinose Free field 4 DATA: Fletcher 1994 DSDP 502 foraminiferal AAR data Lab Lab# Ocean Area Field ID SampleName Depth LAT°N LON°W Depth SampleType Genus Species Age(Ma) HydroTime AminoFrac A/Iheigt %spinose %non-spinose UDEL 900213 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B1-1-4-6 0.05 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 0.003 22 THAA 0.016 82.8 17.2 UDEL 900239 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B1-1-4-6 0.05 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 0.003 22 THAA 0.015 9999 9999 UDEL 900188 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B2-1-71-73 2.41 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 0.12 22 THAA 0.192 78.9 20.1 UDEL 900215 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B2-3-23-25 4.93 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 0.25 22 THAA 0.248 85.9 12.5 UDEL 900240 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B3-1-92-94 7.03 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 0.36 22 THAA 0.333 74.5 23.8 UDEL 900197 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B3-3-112-114 10.21 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 0.53 22 THAA 0.376 59.1 39.9 UDEL 900217 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B4-2-23-25 12.28 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 0.63 22 THAA 0.353 79.1 18.9 UDEL 900241 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B5-1-22-24 15.03 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 0.78 22 THAA 0.469 67.6 31.7 UDEL 900242 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B5-3-11-13 17.65 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 0.91 22 THAA 0.429 74.1 23.7 UDEL 900189 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B6-1-62-64 19.98 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 1.03 22 THAA 0.579 67.3 32.4 UDEL 900243 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B7-2-75-77 24.79 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 1.28 22 THAA 0.531 78.4 20.9 UDEL 900199 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B7-4-17-19 27.21 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 1.40 22 THAA 0.607 74.9 22.8 UDEL 900221 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B8-2-101-103 30.18 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 1.51 22 THAA 0.562 79.3 20.4 UDEL 900244 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B8-3-78-80 31.40 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 1.54 22 THAA 0.589 81.4 18.0 UDEL 900195 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B9-2-133-135 35.13 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 1.63 22 THAA 0.617 73.9 24.5 UDEL 900223 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B10-1-60-62 37.46 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 1.70 22 THAA 0.646 70.9 27.3 UDEL 900225 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B11-1-12-14 41.48 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 1.80 22 THAA 0.658 69.7 29.7 UDEL 900227 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B11-2-20-22 43.05 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 1.85 22 THAA 0.704 71.5 26.6 UDEL 900245 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B11-3-32-34 44.68 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 1.89 22 THAA 0.688 67.5 31.0 UDEL 900201 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B12-2-97-99 47.82 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 1.97 22 THAA 0.596 74.8 22.9 UDEL 900229 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B13-1-7-9 50.23 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 2.05 22 THAA 0.673 72.2 23.6 UDEL 900231 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B14-1-17-19 54.63 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 2.35 22 THAA 0.706 59.8 39.4 UDEL 900191 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B16-1-24-26 63.37 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 2.56 22 THAA 0.754 67.7 30.0 UDEL 900233 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B17-3-33-34 70.98 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 2.75 22 THAA 0.834 61.1 37.6 UDEL 900250 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B18-1-84-86 72.96 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 2.88 22 THAA 0.872 64.0 33.7 UDEL 900203 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B20-1-4-6 81.00 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 3.20 22 THAA 0.752 69.2 29.2 UDEL 900246 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 A22-3-9-11 90.02 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 3.52 22 THAA 0.866 9999 9999 UDEL 900235 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B22-2-11-13 90.04 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 3.52 22 THAA 0.895 59.8 38.2 UDEL 900205 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B23-3-18-20 97.02 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 3.78 22 THAA 0.878 51.3 48.3 UDEL 900206 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B23-3-18-20 97.02 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 3.78 22 THAA 1.006 9999 9999 UDEL 900247 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 A24-1-139-131 97.03 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 3.78 22 THAA 1.012 9999 9999 UDEL 900248 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 A26-3-63-65 108.03 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 4.02 22 THAA 0.916 9999 9999 UDEL 900251 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 A28-2-35-37 115.03 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 4.26 22 THAA 0.726 9999 9999 UDEL 900238 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 A29-2-18-20 118.02 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 4.36 22 THAA 0.864 9999 9999 UDEL 900207 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 A35-2-60-62 135.99 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 5.31 22 THAA 1.116 9999 9999 UDEL 900209 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 A42-1-18-20 153.02 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 5.93 22 THAA 1.083 9999 9999 UDEL 900214 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B1-1-4-6 0.05 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 0.003 0 FAA 0 82.8 17.2 UDEL 900193 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B2-1-71-73 2.41 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 0.124 0 FAA 0.902 78.9 20.1 UDEL 900216 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B2-3-23-25 4.93 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 0.254 0 FAA 1.028 85.9 12.5 UDEL 900263 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B3-1-92-94 7.03 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 0.363 0 FAA 0.92 74.5 23.8 UDEL 900198 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B3-3-112-114 10.21 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 0.527 0 FAA 0.917 59.1 39.9 UDEL 900218 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B4-2-23-25 12.28 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 0.634 0 FAA 0.926 79.1 18.9 UDEL 900252 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B5-1-22-24 15.03 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 0.776 0 FAA 0.972 67.6 31.7 UDEL 900253 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B5-3-11-13 17.65 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 0.911 0 FAA 0.975 74.1 23.7 UDEL 900194 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B6-1-62-64 19.98 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 1.031 0 FAA 1.049 67.3 32.4 UDEL 900254 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B7-2-75-77 24.79 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 1.279 0 FAA 0.987 78.4 20.9 UDEL 900200 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B7-4-17-19 27.21 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 1.404 0 FAA 1.062 74.9 22.8 UDEL 900222 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B8-2-101-103 30.18 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 1.51 0 FAA 1.025 79.3 20.4 UDEL 900255 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B8-3-78-80 31.40 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 1.54 0 FAA 1.011 81.4 18.0 UDEL 900224 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B10-1-60-62 37.46 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 1.70 0 FAA 1.055 70.9 27.3 UDEL 900226 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B11-1-12-14 41.48 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 1.80 0 FAA 1.061 69.7 29.7 UDEL 900228 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B11-2-20-22 43.05 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 1.85 0 FAA 1.09 71.5 26.6 UDEL 900256 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B11-3-32-34 44.68 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 1.89 0 FAA 1.055 67.5 31.0 UDEL 900202 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B12-2-97-99 47.82 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 1.97 0 FAA 0.923 74.8 22.9 UDEL 900230 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B13-1-7-9 50.23 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 2.05 0 FAA 1.105 72.2 23.6 UDEL 900232 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B14-1-17-19 54.63 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 2.35 0 FAA 1.125 59.8 39.4 UDEL 900196 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B16-1-24-26 63.37 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 2.56 0 FAA 1.142 67.7 30.0 UDEL 900234 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B17-3-33-34 70.98 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 2.75 0 FAA 1.189 61.1 37.6 UDEL 900260 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B18-1-84-86 72.96 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 2.88 0 FAA 1.221 64.0 33.7 UDEL 900204 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B20-1-4-6 81.00 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 3.20 0 FAA 1.112 69.2 29.2 UDEL 900257 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 A22-3-9-11 90.02 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 3.52 0 FAA 1.209 9999 9999 UDEL 900236 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 B22-2-11-13 90.04 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 3.52 0 FAA 1.217 59.8 38.2 UDEL 900258 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 A24-1-139-131 97.03 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 3.78 0 FAA 1.289 9999 9999 UDEL 900259 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 A26-3-63-65 108.03 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 4.02 0 FAA 1.323 9999 9999 UDEL 900261 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 A28-2-35-37 115.03 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 4.26 0 FAA 1.31 9999 9999 UDEL 900208 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 A42-1-18-20 153.02 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 5.93 0 FAA 1.36 9999 9999 UDEL 900210 Atlantic Caribbean Sea DSDP Site 502 A42-1-18-20 153.02 11.491 -79.378 3051 Foraminifera mixed mixed 5.93 0 FAA 1.428 9999 9999