program data_read c This program reads GHCN v2 data and writes out a subset c of the data along with a subset of the metadata c The options to subset are based on lat/lon, continent, c country, or time integer ighcn(3),jghcn(3),ival(12) character*30 namew character inventory*60 integer numyr(350),numyrtot(350) c define missing: zindef=-9999 zin=zindef+1 c set latitude flags or zone ilat=0 !set to 0 if don't want to check for lat ilon=0 !set to 0 if don't want to check for lon c change ilat & ilon to anything but 0 if you want to pull c data from a lat/long box c set lat/long boundaries for region: rlats=-22 !southern lat boundary rlatn=-19 !northern lat boundary rlonw=54 !western long boundary rlone=58 !eastern long boundary c identify ghcn inventory file inventory='v2.inv' c set this loop to pull data sets desired do ibigloop=3,3 c set loop variable to subset the type of data c 1=mean temp; 2 adj mean temp c 3=max temp,4=adj. max; 5=min; 6=adj. min temp c initialize station/year counters do i=1,350 numyr(i)=0 numyrtot(i)=0 enddo if(ibigloop.eq.1)then open(unit=1,file='v2.mean', +status='old') !the data file open(unit=3,file='subset.v2.mean.dat') !data output file open(unit=33,file='subset.v2.mean.inv')!output inventory open(unit=22,file='subset.num.year.mean') endif if(ibigloop.eq.2)then open(unit=1,file='v2.mean.adj', +status='old') !the data file open(unit=3,file='subset.v2.mean.adj.dat') !data output file open(unit=33,file='subset.v2.mean.adj.inv')!output inventory open(unit=22,file='subset.num.year.mean.adj') endif if(ibigloop.eq.3)then open(unit=1,file='v2.max', +status='old') !the data file open(unit=3,file='subset.v2.max.dat') !data output file open(unit=33,file='subset.v2.max.inv')!output inventory open(unit=22,file='subset.num.year.max') endif if(ibigloop.eq.4)then open(unit=1,file='v2.max.adj', +status='old') !the data file open(unit=3,file='subset.v2.max.adj.dat') !data output file open(unit=33,file='subset.v2.max.adj.inv')!output inventory open(unit=22,file='subset.num.year.max.adj') endif if(ibigloop.eq.5)then open(unit=1,file='v2.min', +status='old') !the data file open(unit=3,file='subset.v2.min.dat') !data output file open(unit=33,file='subset.v2.min.inv')!output inventory open(unit=22,file='subset.num.year.min') endif if(ibigloop.eq.6)then open(unit=1,file='v2.min.adj', +status='old') !the data file open(unit=3,file='subset.v2.min.adj.dat') !data output file open(unit=33,file='subset.v2.min.adj.inv')!output inventory open(unit=22,file='subset.num.year.min.adj') endif c num is counter, numr=randomization of the counter c fill inventory arrays, only needs to be done once if( call name1(inventory) ibeg=7 endif num=0 numr=0 icountx=0 9 continue read(1,181,end=200)ighcn,id2,iyr,ival 181 format(i3,i5,i3,i1,i4,12i5) c the following sections allows one to extract data by c by year c by station number (see inventory file for station numbers - c inventory file names are listed above) c and by lat/long which were set earlier c one can have a combination of any of these factors. c make certain that the looping back to line 9 is c properly commented out or present ::: check the final file to see c if it looks right c select the right years, otherwise loop through read if( to 9 if( to 9 c if( to 9 c if( to 9 45 continue c select the right continent or countries c if(ighcn(1).lt.200)go to 46 c go to 9 46 continue c select by individual station c if(ighcn(2).eq.61980.and.ighcn(3).eq.0)go to 48 c go to 9 48 continue c first write out station inventory file, for that we need c to call subrountine name and this is only done after the c first read of the new station's data if(ighcn(1).ne.jghcn(1).or. + ighcn(2).ne.jghcn(2).or. + ighcn(3).ne.jghcn(3))then!only once per station do k=1,3 jghcn(k)=ighcn(k) enddo call name(jghcn,namew,rlat,rlon,ielev) nameflag=1 endif c check for appropriate lat/lon c ilat/ilon flags c 0=don't check for this c 1=correct c 2=incorrect if(!flag for whether to test for lat if( if( endif if(!flag for whether to test for lat if( if( if( endif if( if( if( endif endif c test for inappropriate lat/long if(ilat.eq.2.or.ilon.eq.2)go to 9 c write out the inventory once if(nameflag.eq.1)then c add counter to numyr array from previous station do i=1,350 if(numyr(i).gt.0)then numyrtot(i)=numyrtot(i)+1 endif c reset array counter numyr(i)=0 enddo write(33,146)jghcn,namew,rlat,rlon,ielev 146 format(i3.3,i5.5,i3.3,1x,a30,2f8.2,i5) nameflag=0 endif c write out the data write(3,13)ighcn,id2,iyr,ival 13 format(i3.3,i5.5,i3.3,i1,i4,12i5) c count the number of non-dups per year igood=0 do i=1,12 if(ival(i).gt.zin)igood=igood+1 enddo numyr(iyr-1695)=numyr(iyr-1695)+igood c return to top and read another line of data go to 9 200 continue c add last station counter to numyrtot do i=1,350 if(numyr(i).gt.0)then numyrtot(i)=numyrtot(i)+1 endif enddo do i=350,1,-1 if(numyrtot(i).gt.0)then iend=i go to 202 endif enddo 202 continue do i=1,350 if(numyrtot(i).gt.0)then istart=i go to 203 endif enddo 203 continue do i=istart,iend write(22,204)i+1695,numyrtot(i) 204 format(i4,i9) enddo close(unit=3) close(unit=1) c end from ibigloop enddo write(*,*)'the subset GHCN data program is done' stop end subroutine name(jghcn,namew,rlat,rlon,ielev) integer ighcna(3,10000) integer ieleva(10000) character*30 namea(10000),namew real rlata(10000),rlona(10000) integer jghcn(3) real rlat,rlon common / invcom / ighcna,namea,rlata,rlona,ieleva,it c the following subroutine finds the appropriate line c from the inventory do j=1,it if(ighcna(1,j).eq.jghcn(1).and. +ighcna(2,j).eq.jghcn(2).and. +ighcna(3,j).eq.jghcn(3))then namew=namea(j) rlat=rlata(j) rlon=rlona(j) ielev=ieleva(j) go to 943 endif enddo write(*,*)'no match in inventory: ',jghcn 943 continue return end subroutine name1(inventory) c fills the inventory arrays, note, not all variables are c saved in large inventory arrays integer ighcna(3,10000) integer ieleva(10000) character inventory*60 character*30 namea(10000) real rlata(10000),rlona(10000) character grveg*16,pop*1,topo*2,stveg*2 character stloc*2,airstn*1,name*30 c ic=3 digit country code; the first digit represents WMO region/continent c iwmo=5 digit WMO station number c imod=3 digit modifier; 000 means the station is probably the WMO c station; 001, etc. mean the station is near that WMO station c name=30 character station name c rlat=latitude in degrees.hundredths of degrees, negative = South of Eq. c rlong=longitude in degrees.hundredths of degrees, - = West c ielevs=station elevation in meters, missing is -999 c ielevg=station elevation interpolated from TerrainBase gridded data set c pop=1 character population assessment: R = rural (not associated c with a town of >10,000 population), S = associated with a small c town (10,000-50,000), U = associated with an urban area (>50,000) c ipop=population of the small town or urban area (needs to be multiplied c by 1,000). If rural, no analysis: -9. c topo=general topography around the station: FL flat; HI hilly, c MT mountain top; MV mountainous valley or at least not on the top c of a mountain. c stveg=general vegetation near the station based on Operational c Navigation Charts; MA marsh; FO forested; IC ice; DE desert; c CL clear or open; c not all stations have this information in which case: xx. c stloc=station location based on 3 specific criteria: c Is the station on an island smaller than 100 km**2 or c narrower than 10 km in width at the point of the c station? IS; c Is the station is within 30 km from the coast? CO; c Is the station is next to a large (> 25 km**2) lake? LA; c A station may be all three but only labeled with one with c the priority IS, CO, then LA. If none of the above: no. c iloc=if the station is CO, iloc is the distance in km to the coast. c If station is not coastal: -9. c airstn=A if the station is at an airport; otherwise x c itowndis=the distance in km from the airport to its associated c small town or urban center (not relevant for rural airports c or non airport stations in which case: -9) c grveg=gridded vegetation for the 0.5x0.5 degree grid point closest c to the station from a gridded vegetation data base. 16 characters. c A more complete description of these metadata are available in c other documentation common / invcom / ighcna,namea,rlata,rlona,ieleva,it write(*,*)'opening inventory file' open(unit=2,file=inventory) do j=1,20000 read(2,102,end=200)ic,iwmo,imod, +name,rlat,rlong,ielevs,ielevg, +pop,ipop,topo,stveg,stloc,iloc,airstn,itowndis,grveg 102 format(i3.3,i5.5,i3.3,1x,a30,1x,f6.2,1x,f7.2,1x,i4, +1x,i4,a1,i5,3(a2),i2,a1,i2,a16) ighcna(1,j)=ic ighcna(2,j)=iwmo ighcna(3,j)=imod ieleva(j)=ielevs rlata(j)=rlat rlona(j)=rlong namea(j)=name it=j enddo 943 continue 200 continue write(*,*)'inventory read ',it,' stations' close (unit=2) return end