GHCN Version 2 Precipitation Version 2 Documentation These files are associated with GHCN v2 precipitation: -readme.precip.V2 -v2.prcp.Z -v2.prcp_adj.Z -v2.prcp.inv -v2.prcp.failed.qc.Z New monthly data are added to v2.prcp a few days after the end of the month. Please note that sometimes these new data are later replaced with data with different values due to, for example, occasional corrections to the transmitted data that countries will send over the Global Telecommunications System. => readme.prcp.readme is this brief documentation file. The files ending with .Z are compressed. To uncompress the files use the command: uncompress filename. For more information, email: => v2.prcp is the raw data file. The data are monthly total precipitation recorded at the station in tenths of mm. (Divide by 10 to get millimeters.) Each line of the data file has: station number which has three parts: country code (3 digits) nearest WMO station number (5 digits) modifier (3 digits) (this is usually 000 if it is that WMO station) This file does not contain any duplicates of the stations, however, it does have a duplicate number which indicates whether there are duplicates in the companion file. A 1 in the duplicate number indicates there are no duplicates and a 0 indicates that there are duplicates in the file v2.prcp.duplicates. Year: four digit year Data: 12 monthly values each as a 5 digit integer. The data are monthly total precipitation recorded at the station in tenths of mm. (Divide by 10 to get millimeters.) Missing monthly values are given as -9999. Trace precipitation is indicated by -8888. => v2.prcp_adj is the adjusted data file. This file contains far fewer station records than the raw data set, It has the same format as the raw data file, but contains data that has been adjusted for inhomogeneities. Not only are these station records free of inhomogeneities, they also contain additional records for some stations, particularly those in the former Soviet Union. => v2.prcp.inv Metadata file. This metadata file contains the station id, station name, country, latitude, longitude, and elevation The format is as follows: station number (i11), space (1x), station name (a20), country (a10), latitude (f7.2), longitude (f8.2), and elevation in meters (i5) Country codes: The file lists the countries of the world and GHCN's numerical country code. => v2.prcp.failed.qc Like GHCN temperature data, the precipitation data base has undergone a series of Quality Control tests. The final test removed individual data points we determined were most likely erroneous (e.g., due to errors in digitizing). This final QC step is very important because some bad values can make it into any data base. However, any QC approach that can detect most of the bad values will also flag some valid extreme precipitation data points. Therefore, we can say with confidence, that some of the data points that failed our QC are valid. This file has the data points that failed our QC and were removed from the data file is provided for users who might have additional corroborating information such as an old news report of an unusual flood near an isolated station. Without such information, we do not recommend using these data points. => lists the countries of the world and GHCN's numerical country code.