04/28/2022 Introduction: The GHCND gridded dataset (HadGHCND) is produced through a joint effort between the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (National Centers for Environmental Information) and the United Kingdom's Hadley Centre. ******************************************************************************* Quick Start: HadGHCND is output into annual maximum temperature anomaly and annual minimum temperature anomaly files. The anomalies were calculated with respect to the following base period: 1961 to 1990. The format for the output files consists of 6 columns of data as follows: 1st column: Month 2nd column: Day 3rd column: Grid box ID (value range: 1 to 7002, grid spacing = 3.75 deg x 2.5 deg) 4th column: Longitude of lower left corner of grid box (degrees) 5th column: Latitude of lower left corner of grid box (degrees) 6th column: Temperature anomaly (whole degrees Celsius) HadGHCND may be downloaded at: www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/grid and two options are available: 1) download the entire data set as a single file (ghcnd.grid.tar.gz), or 2) download by year/element (see the "years" sub-directory) ******************************************************************************* Reference: Caesar, J., L. Alexander, and R. Vose (2006), Large-scale changes in observed daily maximum and minimum temperatures: Creation and analysis of a new gridded i data set, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D05101, doi:10.1029/2005JD006280.