(1) ersst.VERSION.el_nino.dat NINO indecies: 1st column: year 2nd column: month 3th column: NINO3 (K) 4rd column: NINO4 (K) 5th column: NINO3.4 (K) 6th column: NINO1.2 (K) (2) ersst.VERSION.el_nino.sst.dat same as in (1) except for full SSTs rather than anomalies. Unit: C. (3) ersst.VERSION.pdo.dat PDO index in the format of Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Note: The anomalies are based on climatology from 1971 to 2000 These indices are generated for the convenience of users. They are not the official NOAA indices used for climate monitoring. (2015/1/15)