Note: ASCII data files are NOT archived in NCDC Archiving System NetCDF data files ARE archived in NCDC Archiving System ERSST in ASCII format filename convention: (1) ERSST ersst.VERSION.yyyy.asc yyyy=year Units: isst=100 degree C Missing value=-9999 (2) grid information latitude: -88.0, increase northward per 2 degree, to +88.0 longitude: 0.0, increase eastward per 2 degree, to 358.0 (3) FORTRAN example integer isst(180,89) real rsst(180,89) character*4 cyr open(51,file='../ersst.VERSION.2010.asc',status='old') do iy=2010,2010 write(cyr(1:4),'(i4.4)') iy open(61,file='ersst.VERSION.'//cyr//'.asc',form='unformatted') do mon=1,12 print*,iy,mon do i=1,180 read(51,81) (isst(i,j),j=1,89) end do do i=1,180 do j=1,89 if(isst(i,j).gt.-900) then rsst(i,j)=float(isst(i,j))/100.0 else rsst(i,j)=-999.9 endif enddo enddo write(61,rec=mon) rsst end do end do 81 format (89i6) stop end