Information about destructive earthquakes that meet at least one of the following criteria: moderate damage (approximately $1 million or more), 10 or more deaths, magnitude 7.5 or greater, Modified Mercalli Intensity X or greater, or the earthquake generated a tsunami. More information about earthquakes at NCEI. More information about the map service.
Information about eruptions that meet at least one of the following criteria: caused fatalities, caused moderate damage (approximately $1 million or more), caused a tsunami, Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) of 6 or larger, or the eruption was associated with a major earthquake. More information about volcanoes at NCEI. More information about the map service.
Water level data in support of tsunami research. 1-minute water level data from the NOAA/NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS) and high-resolution water level data from the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC), and the National Tsunami Warning Center (NTWC). Although not part of the U.S. Tsunami Program, Great Lakes water level stations collecting data at 1-minute intervals are included here due to their high temporal resolution. More information about tide gauge data at NCEI. More information about the map service.
Marigrams are analog tide gauge records. NCEI converts tsunami marigrams from analog (microfiche) to high-resolution digital images. Microfiche were created in the 1970s from deteriorating paper records. The collection includes records from 1854 to 1994. More information about marigrams at NCEI.
Estimated tsunami travel time contours (1-hour time interval) for selected historical tsunami events, calculated using Tsunami Travel Times (TTT) software (Paul Wessel, Geoware). More information about the map service.
GEBCO Grayscale Basemap (NOAA NCEI Visualization): A shaded-relief visualization of the GEBCO_2024 Grid. This visualization of the GEBCO_2024 grid was produced by NOAA/NCEI. More information on NOAA's GeoPlatform.
Map projection:WGS84 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere); EPSG:3857.
Disclaimer: All international boundaries, maritime boundaries, and placenames are shown for general orientation and reference only; they do not necessarily represent official U.S. policy.
3.0.11, last updated 2025-03-10
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Navigating the map
Click and drag or use arrow keys to pan
Mouse scroll forward or use + key to zoom in
Mouse scroll backward or use - key to zoom out
Identifying features
You have several options to identify features
within visible layers:
Single-click on the map
Or, choose another tool from the "Identify" menu:
Click on to draw a rectangle
Click on to draw a polygon
Click on to enter coordinates for a bounding box
A popup will appear with a list of the selected features.
Mouse-over the list to highlight features on the map.
Click the magnifying glass icon to zoom to that feature.
Click on a row to view attributes for that feature.
Searching for data
Each layer (Tsunami Events, Tsunami Observations, Significant Earthquakes, Significant Volcanic Events, and DART Stations) has its own search dialog.
Click on a "Search" button to choose various criteria that will be used to narrow down the results shown on the map.
After clicking "OK", a filter will be applied to the appropriate map layers, displaying only data of interest.
Reset: clears the current filter for that layer.
Selected Significant Tsunami Events
Select a tsunami event from the list to apply a filter to the Tsunami Events and Tsunami Observations layers (showing only the current event), and zoom to the results. If available, the Tsunami Travel Time contours and the RIFT Tsunami Energy will also be displayed.
Tsunami Events with Tsunami Observations
After clicking on a tsunami event in the popup, a button will appear "Show this Tsunami Event and Observations".
Clicking on this button will apply a filter to the Tsunami Events and Tsunami Observations layers (showing only the current event), and will zoom to the results.
After clicking on a tsunami observation in the popup, a button will appear "Show Associated Tsunami Event".
Clicking on this button will apply a filter to the Tsunami Events layer (showing the current event), and will zoom the map so the current event and observation are showing.
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Please note: Due to scheduled maintenance, many NCEI systems will be unavailable March 25th, 7:00 AM ET - 12:00 PM ET. We apologize for any inconvenience.