Description of programs wodFOR.f, wodC.c, and executable

wodFOR.f is a FORTRAN program designed as an example on how to read
the World Ocean Database (WOD) native format data. wodC.c is
its equivalent program in C language.  wodC.exe is an executable
compatible with Microsoft operating systems.

The programs prompts the user to input a WOD native format
data file to read and number of casts to print out.
 wodFOR prints out to the screen, wodC to a user named file, 
all variables included in all desired casts from the input
WOD native format file in a easily readable form. 

This main programs(wodFOR,wodC) calls subroutines to read and load into arrays
the WOD data and passed back to the main program. The program contains
comments to help the user understand or modify the code according to
specific needs.

wodFOR.f has been tested using a Linux operating system
using a GNU g77 compiler.   The program has also been tested
under MS Windows 2000 professional using MS Windows FORTRAN Power Station 4.0

wodC.c has been tested using a Linux operating system using a
GNU gcc compiler.  wodC.exe was compiled using djgpp setup of
GNU gcc compiler on a Microsoft operating system.

The GNU compilers are freeware.  Please see
djgpp is also freeware
The djgpp version of the g77 compiler for Microsoft operating systems
was downloaded from

Comments and suggestions for improving these programs would be appreciated.
Updates to the World Ocean Data data and to this program will be posted
in the NODC/OCL web site at