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OAS accession Detail for 0209529, meta_version: 7. Current meta_version is: 19
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accessions_id: 0209529 | archive
Title: Large contribution from anthropogenic warming to an emerging North American megadrought (NCEI Accession 0209529)
Abstract: This is an archive of the gridded climate, soil moisture, and reconstruction datasets produced for an evaluation of recent observed western North American drought conditions in the context of the past 1200 years and a climate-change attribution approach to evaluate the possible contribution of of anthropogenic climate change to recent drought anomalies.

The datasets were produced as part of a study that appears to be nearly accepted for publication in Science. The one remaining requirement for publication appears to be a verifiable commitment to make our data publicly available in a reliably permanent location.

The datasets are gridded spatiotemporal cubes stored as netcdfs as well as text files with annual time series of regionally averaged drought metrics. The gridded climate datasets have 1/8- and 1/4-degree resolution are calibrated versions of multiple data products to allow for full North American coverage for the 1901-2018 period at monthly and daily time scales. The soil-moisture datasets are also gridded at 1/8- and 1/4-degree resolutions, span 1901-2018, and were caucluated using the VIC hydrological model and bucket moisture-balance modeling. The reconstructions are of annualized summer soil moisture at 1/2-degree resolution for western North America.
Date received: 20200305
Start date: 15000101
End date: 20181231
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Submitter: Williams, Park
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Availability date:
Metadata version: 7
Keydate: 2020-04-03 16:09:45+00
Editdate: 2020-04-05 03:49:56+00