***************************************************************** Journal for accession number: 0156445 Created on: 2018-10-22 14:20:15 UTC By: Sarah O'Connor,OGSSD/OSDB,SSMC3 4640,7134870 Source: Mr Jeremiah Blondeau submitted a revised data file and code dictionary via email. Actions: NCEI staff downloaded the files, unzipped them and copied them into the 0-data directory. In addition, the the individual sheets in the code dictionary were saved as csv files in the 1-data directory. These files were identified as replacements for existing files in the archive package and the original files were removed from version 3.3 of the archive package. Version 3.3 - In this version the data provider provided the files CodeDictionary_Sept2018.xslx and sefcri2014_dat2.csv. These files serve as replacements for the following files which were removed from this version of the package sefcri2014_dat1.csv and CodeDictionary.xslx. The code dictionary was updated to include definitions for a number of codes that were originally undefined while sefcri2014_dat1.csv was updated to replace an issue with processing. Files: about/ This directory contains files created by NCEI staff and processing, including 'negotiable' information between NCEI staff and the data provider. M6FWLH-confirmation_email.txt - Email from the Send2NCEI web application to Mr Jeremiah Blondeau confirming that NCEI has created an archival information package. 1-email.txt - Email from NCEI staff to Jeremiah Blondeau, notifying the data provider of several issues with the accession package that would need to be corrected. 2-email.txt Email from Jeremiah Blondeau requesting that several files in the archive package be updated. M6FWLH-report.txt - Automatically generated report containing information about the automated processing of this accession and provider-specific metadata. This report is intended for use by the Data Content Manager assigned to this accession. 0156445_lonlat.txt - Contains sample locations for these data. Each row contains the geographical position where these data were collected (longitude in the left column and latitude in the right column, both in degrees). NCEI may have corrected geographic positions that seemed to be in error when generating this file. However, NCEI did not change the original data files under the directory data/0-data/. 0156445_map.jpg - Station location map for these data. data/0-data/ This directory contains files in their original format as downloaded to NCEI. M6FWLH-ISO-19115-2.xml - Metadata automatically generated by the provider's Send2NCEI data submission. Data_Documentation/ This directory contains data dictionaries in their original format as sent to NCEI. 0156445_ISO19115.xml - This is a metadata file submitted by the data provider in version2.2 of this package. DataArchivePackage/DataArchivePackage/RAW_Data/DRTO/ This directory contains the raw data taken from the Dry Tortuga sites in its original file format. DataArchivePackage/DataArchivePackage/RAW_Data/FLKEYS/ This directory contains the raw data taken from the Florida Keys sites in its original file format. DataArchivePackage/DataArchivePackage/RAW_Data/SEFCRI/ This directory contains the raw data taken from the Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative area in its original file format. DataArchivePackage/DataArchivePackage/AnalysisReadyDatasets/ This directory contains the datasets from each of the three main areas: Dry Tortugas, the Florida Keys, and the Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative region. data/1-data/ This directory contains files that were converted by NCEI from their originally submitted format under the 0-data/ directory to an archival format. *.csv - Comma-separated-value (csv) files that NCEI converted from the Microsoft Excel files in data/0-data/. There is one CSV file for each sheet of data in each Microsoft Excel file. There is one CSV file for each Excel spreadsheet. For multi-spreadsheet files, the sheet name is appended to the file basename, separated by an underscore (_). ***************************************************************** Journal for accession number: 0156445 Created on: 2016-08-29 14:20:15 UTC By: Brian Beck,OGSSD/OSDB,SSMC3 4620,7134844 Source: Mr Jeremiah Blondeau submitted data and metadata to NCEI in submission package M6FWLH via S2N. Version2.2 - In this version NCEI staff added a metadata file to the data/0-data/Data_Documentation/ directory. This file was submitted by the data provider. The title of this file is 0156445_ISO19115.xml. Actions: An automated procedure copied the files from the submission package into this accession. A metadata record in ISO 19115-2 XML format was also generated from the information provided by the submitter and was copied into this accession. NCEI staff then converted all Microsoft Excel files into CSV file format for archival use and stored these files in the 1-data/ directory. Files: about/ This directory contains files created by NCEI staff and processing, including 'negotiable' information between NCEI staff and the data provider. M6FWLH-confirmation_email.txt - Email from the Send2NCEI web application to Mr Jeremiah Blondeau confirming that NCEI has created an archival information package. 1-email.txt - Email from NCEI staff to Jeremiah Blondeau, notifying the data provider of several isses with the accession package that would need to be corrected. M6FWLH-report.txt - Automatically generated report containing information about the automated processing of this accession and provider-specific metadata. This report is intended for use by the Data Content Manager assigned to this accession. 0156445_lonlat.txt - Contains sample locations for these data. Each row contains the geographical position where these data were collected (longitude in the left column and latitude in the right column, both in degrees). NCEI may have corrected geographic positions that seemed to be in error when generating this file. However, NCEI did not change the original data files under the directory data/0-data/. 0156445_map.jpg - Station location map for these data. data/0-data/ This directory contains files in their original format as downloaded to NCEI. M6FWLH-ISO-19115-2.xml - Metadata automatically generated by the provider's Send2NCEI data submission. Data_Documentation/ This directory contains data dictionaries in their original format as sent to NCEI. 0156445_ISO19115.xml - This is a metadata file submitted by the data provider in version2.2 of this package. DataArchivePackage/DataArchivePackage/RAW_Data/DRTO/ This directory contains the raw data taken from the Dry Tortuga sites in its original file format. DataArchivePackage/DataArchivePackage/RAW_Data/FLKEYS/ This directory contains the raw data taken from the Florida Keys sites in its original file format. DataArchivePackage/DataArchivePackage/RAW_Data/SEFCRI/ This directory contains the raw data taken from the Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative area in its original file format. DataArchivePackage/DataArchivePackage/AnalysisReadyDatasets/ This directory contains the datasets from each of the three main areas: Dry Tortugas, the Florida Keys, and the Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative region. data/1-data/ This directory contains files that were converted by NCEI from their originally submitted format under the 0-data/ directory to an archival format. *.csv - Comma-separated-value (csv) files that NCEI converted from the Microsoft Excel files in data/0-data/. There is one CSV file for each sheet of data in each Microsoft Excel file. Data_Documentation/ This directory contains data dictionaries in their original format as sent to NCEI. DataArchivePackage/DataArchivePackage/RAW_Data/DRTO/ This directory contains the raw data taken from the Dry Tortuga sites. All individual files were converted to archival file format by NCEI staff. DataArchivePackage/DataArchivePackage/RAW_Data/FLKEYS/ This directory contains the raw data taken from the Florida Keys sites. All individual files were converted to archival file format by NCEI staff. DataArchivePackage/DataArchivePackage/RAW_Data/SEFCRI/ This directory contains the raw data taken from the Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative region. All individual files were converted to archival file format by NCEI staff. DataArchivePackage/DataArchivePackage/AnalysisReadyDatasets/ This directory contains the datasets from each of the three main areas: Dry Tortugas, the Florida Keys, and the Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative region. All individual files were converted to archival file format by NCEI staff.