Cr254_leg3_CTD_readme.txt CTD Hydrocast Notes, Oregon II, Cruise 254, Leg 3, July 2-17, 2003 Last updated: 16-JUL-2003 (1) Station 093 (Processed beginning 03-JUL, 1030 hrs) (i) NMEA Lat, Long, and time 'flip-flopped' in header; corrected using PFE and saved (ii) Minor editing of header completed. (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iv) Anomalous dissolved oxygen readings noted from both sensors (2) Station 094 (Processed beginnin 03-JUL, 1030 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) Anomalous dissolved oxygen readings noted from both sensors (3) Station 095/096 (Processed beginning 03-JUL, 1030 hrs) (i) **STATION 95 SHOULD BE STATION 96**; hydrocast completed after second trawl of double dip (ii) Minor editing of header completed (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iv) Anomalous dissolved oxygen readings noted from both sensors (v) Winkler titration performed (bottom sample); significant discrepancy between Winkler O2 values and CTD value; may have inadvertantly selected surface sample instead of bottom sample - recommend discarding Winkler data. (4) Station 097 (Processed beginning 03-JUL, 1030 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) Anomalous dissolved oxygen readings noted from both sensors (5) Station 098 (Processed beginning 03-JUL, 1030 hrs) (i) NMEA Lat, Long, and time 'flip-flopped' in header; corrected using PFE and saved (ii) Minor editing of header completed. (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iv) Anomalous dissolved oxygen readings noted from both sensors (6) Station 099 (Processed beginning 03-JUL, 1030 hrs) (i) NMEA Lat, Long, and time 'flip-flopped' in header; corrected using PFE and saved (ii) Minor editing of header completed. (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iv) Anomalous dissolved oxygen readings noted from both sensors (vi) Reported anomalous data to FPC and ET at about 1600 hrs. Cleared CTD air bleed orfices and flushed plumbing with Triton-x and fresh water. (7) Station 100 (Processed beginning 04-JUL, 0100 hrs) (i) NMEA Lat, Long, and time 'flip-flopped' in header; corrected using PFE and saved (ii) Minor editing of header completed. (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iv) Anomalous dissolved oxygen readings continued from both sensors. The ET was present in the console room during the hydrocast and viewed the anomalous data. (8) Station 101 (Processed beginning 04-JUL, 0100 hrs) (i) NMEA Lat, Long, and time 'flip-flopped' in header; corrected using PFE and saved (ii) Minor editing of header completed. (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iv) Anomalous dissolved oxygen readings continued from both O2 sensors (v) Winkler titration performed for surface; good agreement with CTD O2 readings. (9) Station 102 (Processed beginning 04-JUL, 0100 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) Anomalous dissolved oxygen readings continued from both O2 sensors; spikes in conductivity and water temperature noted on upcast at about mid-depth. (10) Station 103 (Processed beginning 04-JUL, 0100 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) Anomalous dissolved oxygen readings continued from both O2 sensors; no evidence of conductivity and water temperature spikes observed at previous station. (11) Station 104 (Processed beginning 04-JUL, 0500 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) Anomalous dissolved oxygen readings continued from both O2 sensors (12) Stations 105-107 (Processed beginning 04-JUL, 1130 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) This station was a "triple dipper" and the CTD hydrocast was conducted before the first "dip" (Station 105). (iv) At the request of the FPC through the ship's captain the CTD is being replaced by the ET with the spare unit (~1200 hrs). There are no spare oxygen sensors aboard so the sensors from the original unit will be installed on the replacement. The ET suspects that the pump on the original unit may be defective. (13) Station 108 (i) ***NO CTD AT THIS STATION; THE REPLACEMENT CTD WAS STILL BEING PREPARED FOR DEPLOYMENT*** (14) Station 109 (Processed beginning 05-JUL, 0030 hrs) (i) New CTD deployed at this station (04-JUL) (ii) Minor editing of header completed (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iv) Winkler titration performed for mid- and bottom depth. Good agreement between Winkler and CTD O2 for bottom; midwater Winklers highly variable and deviate substantially from CTD reading; probably sloppy Winkler technique - recommend discarding midwater. (15) Station 104 (Processed beginning 05-JUL, 0300 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (16) Station 105 (Processed beginning 05-JUL, 1145 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (17) Station 109 (Processed beginning 05-JUL, 1145 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (18) Station 110 (Processed beginning 05-JUL, 1145 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) Based on the transmittance plot, CTD probably hit the bottom (iv) Winkler O2 (bottom) in close agreement with CTD (19) Station 111 (Processed beginning 05-JUL, 1145 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (20) Station 112 (Processed beginning 05-JUL, 1145 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (21) Station 114 (Processed beginning 05-JUL, 1145 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) Winkler O2 (bottom) closely matched the CTD O2. (22) Station 115 (Processed beginning 06-JUL, 1145 hrs) (i) NMEA Lat, Long, and time 'flip-flopped' in header; corrected using PFE and saved (ii) Minor editing of header completed. (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (23) Station 116 (Processed beginning 06-JUL, 1145 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (24) Station 117 (Processed beginning 06-JUL, 1145 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) Winkler (bottom) O2 did not agree with CTD; CTD hit bottom and probably skewed the bottom oxygen reading. (25) Station 118 (Processed beginning 06-JUL, 1145 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (26) Station 119 (Processed beginning 06-JUL, 1145 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (27) Station 120 (Processed beginning 06-JUL, 1445 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) Winkler O2 data (midwater and bottom) tracking CTD data (28) Station 121 (Processed beginning 08-JUL, 0015 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (29) Station 122 (Processed beginning 08-JUL, 0015 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) Same data spikes on upcast in conductivity and water temperature noted in station 102 with the original CTD in service. (30) Station 123 (Processed beginning 08-JUL, 0015 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) No evidence of data spikes observed in previous station. (iv) Winkler titration (bottom) in close agreement with CTD O2 (31) Station 125 (Processed beginning 08-JUL, ~0430 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (32) Station 126 (Processed beginning 08-JUL, ~0430 hrs) (i) NMEA Lat, Long, and time 'flip-flopped' in header; corrected using PFE and saved (ii) Minor editing of header completed (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) Same data spikes on upcast in conductivity and water temperature noted in stations 102, and 122 prior to and after replacing the CTD. (33) Station 129 (Processed beginning 08-JUL, ~0430 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) Winkler titration (bottom) in close agreement with CTD O2 (34) Station 130 (Processed beginning 08-JUL, ~1300 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (35) Station 131 (Processed beginning 08-JUL, ~1300 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (36) Station 133 (Processed beginning 08-JUL, ~1300 hrs) (i) First mark omitted in mark file; used graphical technique to find starting scan line (4675). (ii) Minor editing of header completed (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iv) Winkler titration (bottom) in close agreement with CTD O2 (37) Station 134 (Processed beginning 08-JUL, ~1600 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) CTD hit the bottom; transmittance negative in last depth bin (iv) ET cut and respliced CTD cable after this station in an attempt to eliminate spikes in temperature and conductivity data observed at stations 102, 122, and 126. (38) Station 135 (Processed beginning 09-JUL, ~0300 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) First station with repaired cable - data looks good. (39) Station 136 (Processed beginning 09-JUL, ~0300 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (40) Station 137 (Processed beginning 09-JUL, ~0300 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) First station with repaired cable - data looks good. (iv) Winkler O2 data (midwater and bottom) tracking CTD O2 (41) Station 139 (Processed beginning 09-JUL, ~1330 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (42) Station 141 (Processed beginning 09-JUL, ~1330 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) Data spikes on upcast in oxygen and water temperature. Similar noted in stations 102, 122, and 126 (prior to and after replacing the CTD). (iv) Winkler O2 data (bottom) tracking CTD data (43) Station 142 (Processed beginning 10-JUL, ~0000 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (44) Station 143 (Processed beginning 10-JUL, ~0000 hrs) (i) NMEA Lat, Long, and time 'flip-flopped' in header; corrected using PFE and saved (ii) Minor editing of header completed (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (45) Station 144 (Processed beginning 10-JUL, ~0400 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) First mark omitted in mark file; used graphical technique to find starting scan line (4825). (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iv) Winkler O2 data (bottom) tracking CTD data (46) Station 145 (Processed beginning 10-JUL, ~1200 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (47) Station 146 (Processed beginning 10-JUL, ~1200 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (48) Station 147 (Processed beginning 10-JUL, ~1200 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (49) Station 148 (Processed beginning 10-JUL, ~1430 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) Winkler O2 data (bottom) tracking CTD data (50) Station 149 (Processed beginning 11-JUL, ~1430 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) Winkler titration performed with midwater and bottom samples. The bottom Winkler is comparable to the CTD O2 reading but the midwater reading differs by almost 1 mg/l. (51) Station 150 (Processed beginning 11-JUL, ~0900 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (52) Station 151 (Processed beginning 12-JUL, ~0045 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (53) Station 152 (Processed beginning 12-JUL, ~0045 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) Spikes in temperature and conductivity noted on upcast as observed at stations 102, 122, 126, and 141. (54) Station 153 (Processed beginning 12-JUL, ~0045 hrs) (i) NMEA Lat, Long, and time 'flip-flopped' in header; corrected using PFE and saved (ii) Minor editing of header completed (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) Winkler titration performed with midwater and bottom samples. The bottom Winkler is comparable to the CTD O2 reading but the midwater reading differs by almost 0.5 mg/l. (55) Station 155 (Processed beginning 12-JUL, ~1145 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (56) Station 156 (Processed beginning 12-JUL, ~1145 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) CTD hit the bottom. (iv) Spikes in temperature and conductivity noted on upcast as observed at stations 102, 122, 126, and 141. (v) Electronics tech replaced the slip rings. (57) Station 157 (Processed beginning 13-JUL, ~0315 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (58) Station 158 (Processed beginning 13-JUL, ~0315 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) Winkler O2 data (bottom) tracking CTD data (59) Station 159 (Processed beginning 13-JUL, ~0315 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (60) Station 160 (Processed beginning 13-JUL, ~0315 hrs) (i) NMEA Lat, Long, and time 'flip-flopped' in header; corrected using PFE and saved (ii) Minor editing of header completed (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (61) Station 161 (Processed beginning 13-JUL, ~0315 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (62) Station 162 (Processed beginning 13-JUL, ~0315 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) Winkler O2 titration (bottom) comparable to CTD O2 reading. (63) Station 164 (Processed beginning 13-JUL, ~1145 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (64) Station 165 (Processed beginning 13-JUL, ~1145 hrs) (i) NMEA Lat, Long, and time 'flip-flopped' in header; corrected using PFE and saved (ii) Minor editing of header completed (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (65) Station 166 (Processed beginning 13-JUL, ~1230 hrs) (i) NMEA Lat, Long, and time 'flip-flopped' in header; corrected using PFE and saved (ii) Minor editing of header completed (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iv) Winkler O2 data (bottom) tracking CTD data (66) Station 167 (Processed beginning 14-JUL, ~0030 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (67) Station 168 (Processed beginning 14-JUL, ~0030 hrs) (i) NMEA Lat, Long, and time 'flip-flopped' in header; corrected using PFE and saved (ii) Minor editing of header completed (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (68) Station 169 (Processed beginning 14-JUL, ~0030 hrs) (i) NMEA Lat, Long, and time 'flip-flopped' in header; corrected using PFE and saved (ii) Minor editing of header completed (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (69) Station 170 (Processed beginning 14-JUL, ~0030 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) Winkler reference O2 (bottom) tracked CTD O2 measurement. (70) Station 171 (Processed beginning 14-JUL, ~1145 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (71) Station 172 (Processed beginning 15-JUL, ~0030 hrs) (i) NMEA Lat, Long, and time 'flip-flopped' in header; corrected using PFE and saved (ii) Minor editing of header completed (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (72) Station 173 (Processed beginning 15-JUL, ~0030 hrs) (i) NMEA Lat, Long, and time 'flip-flopped' in header; corrected using PFE and saved (ii) Minor editing of header completed (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (73) Station 174 (Processed beginning 15-JUL, ~1145 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) Winkler O2 data (bottom) tracking CTD data (74) Station 175 (Processed beginning 15-JUL, ~1145 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (75) Station 176 (Processed beginning 16-JUL, ~0415 hrs) (i) NMEA Lat, Long, and time 'flip-flopped' in header; corrected using PFE and saved (ii) Minor editing of header completed (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (76) Station 177 (Processed beginning 16-JUL, ~0415 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (77) Station 178 (Processed beginning 15-JUL, ~0415 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) Winkler O2 data (bottom) tracking CTD data (78) Station 179 (Processed beginning 16-JUL, ~0415 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (79) Station 180 (Processed beginning 16-JUL, ~0615 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (80) Station 181 (Processed beginning 16-JUL, ~0850 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (81) Station 182 (Processed beginning 16-JUL, ~1145 hrs) (i) NMEA Lat, Long, and time 'flip-flopped' in header; corrected using PFE and saved (ii) Minor editing of header completed (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (82) Station 183 (Processed beginning 16-JUL, ~1400 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (iii) Winkler O2 data (bottom) tracking CTD data (83) Station 184 (Processed beginning 16-JUL, ~2350 hrs) (i) Minor editing of header completed (ii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (84) Station 185 (Processed beginning 16-JUL, ~2350 hrs) (i) NMEA Lat, Long, and time 'flip-flopped' in header; corrected using PFE and saved (ii) Minor editing of header completed (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted. (85) Station 185 (Processed beginning 16-JUL, ~2350 hrs) (i) NMEA Lat, Long, and time 'flip-flopped' in header; corrected using PFE and saved (ii) Minor editing of header completed (iii) Data processed with Sea-Bird Software and plotted.