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Global Historical Climatology Network-hourly (GHCNh), Version 1
Dataset Description
Global Historical Climatology Network-hourly (GHCNh) is a multisource collection of weather station (meteorological) observations from the late 18th Century to the present from fixed weather stations over land across the globe. It is replacing the Integrated Surface Dataset (ISD) and will be used to generate the Local Climatological Data and Global Summary of the Day datasets. It is constructed... Period of Record
1750-01-01 to 2025-03-26
Related Keywords
Data Types
Data Types
Station Level Pressure Source Code |
Wet Bulb Temperature Report Type |
Sky Cover Baseht 3 Source Code |
Sky Cover Baseht 1 Source Code |
Wind Gust Report Type |
Pres Wx Aw1 Quality Code |
Sky Cover Baseht 2 Quality Code |
Sky Cover 3 Source Code |
Sky Cover 1 Source Code |
Sky Cover 2 Source Code |
Sky Cover Baseht 2 Source Code |
Visibility Measurement Code |
Sky Cover 2 Source Station Id |
Month |
Precipitation |
Elevation |
Remarks Measurement Code |
Precipitation Source Code |
Pres Wx Aw3 Measurement Code |
Remarks Source Station Id |
Wind Gust Source Station Id |
Relative Humidity Source Code |
Sky Cover 3 Source Station Id |
Dew Point Temperature |
Sky Cover Baseht 2 Measurement Code |
Relative Humidity Source Station Id |
Pres Wx Au3 |
Pres Wx Au3 Source Code |
Sky Cover 2 Quality Code |
Sky Cover 1 Quality Code |
Pres Wx Aw1 Report Type |
Pressure 3Hr Change Source Code |
Hour |
Station Level Pressure |
Pres Wx Mw3 Report Type |
Pressure 3Hr Change Measurement Code |
Dew Point Temperature Source Code |
Pres Wx Mw3 Quality Code |
Pres Wx Aw2 Report Type |
Pres Wx Aw3 Report Type |
Dew Point Temperature Measurement Code |
Pres Wx Au1 Quality Code |
Longitude |
Pres Wx Au2 Quality Code |
Temperature Source Station Id |
Station Level Pressure Source Station Id |
Altimeter |
Sky Cover Baseht 1 Quality Code |
Sky Cover 3 Measurement Code |
Pres Wx Mw3 Source Station Id |
Remarks Source Code |
Temperature Report Type |
Temperature Measurement Code |
Pres Wx Au2 |
Pres Wx Au1 |
Visibility Source Code |
Sky Cover Baseht 3 Quality Code |
Wind Direction Report Type |
Pres Wx Mw2 Measurement Code |
Visibility Quality Code |
Minute |
Wind Direction Quality Code |
Sky Cover 1 Measurement Code |
Temperature |
Wind Direction Source Code |
Snow Depth Measurement Code |
Station Level Pressure Quality Code |
Pres Wx Mw3 Measurement Code |
Pres Wx Au1 Source Code |
Pres Wx Au2 Source Code |
Pres Wx Aw3 Source Code |
Pres Wx Mw1 Source Station Id |
Pres Wx Au2 Source Station Id |
Pres Wx Aw2 Source Station Id |
Altimeter Source Code |
Dew Point Temperature Report Type |
Pres Wx Aw2 Source Code |
Pres Wx Mw2 |
Pres Wx Aw1 Source Code |
Sky Cover Baseht 3 |
Pres Wx Mw1 |
Sky Cover Baseht 2 |
Wind Direction |
Sky Cover Baseht 1 |
Precipitation Source Station Id |
Pres Wx Mw3 |
Pressure 3Hr Change Report Type |
Wet Bulb Temperature Quality Code |
Sky Cover Baseht 3 Measurement Code |
Year |
Wind Gust Measurement Code |
Sky Cover Baseht 1 Source Station Id |
Dew Point Temperature Quality Code |
Pres Wx Aw2 Quality Code |
Precipitation Quality Code |
Snow Depth Source Code |
Pres Wx Aw2 |
Day |
Sea Level Pressure |
Pres Wx Aw1 |
Altimeter Source Station Id |
Pres Wx Au3 Measurement Code |
Wet Bulb Temperature |
Pres Wx Aw3 |
Pressure 3Hr Change Source Station Id |
Sky Cover 1 Report Type |
Temperature Source Code |
Station Level Pressure Measurement Code |
Sky Cover 2 Report Type |
Latitude |
Precipitation Report Type |
Wet Bulb Temperature Measurement Code |
Sky Cover 3 Report Type |
Sky Cover Baseht 3 Source Station Id |
Wind Gust |
Altimeter Measurement Code |
Station Level Pressure Report Type |
Relative Humidity Report Type |
Pres Wx Mw1 Quality Code |
Pres Wx Mw1 Source Code |
Wind Speed Source Code |
Pres Wx Au3 Report Type |
Remarks Quality Code |
Wind Gust Source Code |
Sky Cover Baseht 1 Measurement Code |
Sky Cover Baseht 2 Source Station Id |
Sky Cover 3 Quality Code |
Wind Gust Quality Code |
Visibility |
Pres Wx Aw2 Measurement Code |
Wind Speed Source Station Id |
Pres Wx Au2 Report Type |
Pres Wx Mw2 Quality Code |
Snow Depth Report Type |
Pres Wx Au1 Report Type |
Visibility Source Station Id |
Pressure 3Hr Change |
Sea Level Pressure Measurement Code |
Pres Wx Au3 Quality Code |
Station Name |
Sky Cover Baseht 3 Report Type |
Relative Humidity Quality Code |
Sky Cover Baseht 1 Report Type |
Sky Cover Baseht 2 Report Type |
Wind Direction Measurement Code |
Relative Humidity |
Visibility Report Type |
Sea Level Pressure Report Type |
Wind Speed Quality Code |
Pres Wx Mw2 Source Station Id |
Pres Wx Aw1 Source Station Id |
Sky Cover 2 Measurement Code |
Altimeter Quality Code |
Snow Depth Quality Code |
Wet Bulb Temperature Source Station Id |
Pres Wx Au2 Measurement Code |
Altimeter Report Type |
Sea Level Pressure Source Station Id |
Temperature Quality Code |
Relative Humidity Measurement Code |
Station Id |
Pres Wx Au1 Source Station Id |
Sea Level Pressure Quality Code |
Wind Speed |
Pres Wx Mw2 Report Type |
Pres Wx Au1 Measurement Code |
Snow Depth |
Pres Wx Mw1 Report Type |
Snow Depth Source Station Id |
Precipitation Measurement Code |
Wind Speed Report Type |
Wind Speed Measurement Code |
Pres Wx Mw2 Source Code |
Pres Wx Mw3 Source Code |
Pres Wx Aw1 Measurement Code |
Pressure 3Hr Change Quality Code |
Wet Bulb Temperature Source Code |
Sky Cover 1 |
Sea Level Pressure Source Code |
Wind Direction Source Station Id |
Sky Cover 2 |
Sky Cover 3 |
Dew Point Temperature Source Station Id |
Pres Wx Au3 Source Station Id |
Sky Cover 1 Source Station Id |
Remarks Report Type |
Pres Wx Aw3 Quality Code |
Remarks |
Pres Wx Mw1 Measurement Code |
Pres Wx Aw3 Source Station Id |
N/AIntegrated Surface Dataset (Global) (Version Superseded)
Dataset Description
*This version has been superseded by a newer version. It is highly recommended for users to access the current version. Users should only access this superseded version for special cases, such as reproducing studies. If necessary, this version can be accessed by contacting NCEI.*The Integrated Surface Dataset (ISD) is composed of worldwide surface weather observations from over 35,000 stations,... Period of Record
1901-01-01 to 2025-03-26
Related Keywords
Data Types
Data Types
Hourly Temperature Section (Crn) #3 |
Visibility-Observation |
Hourly Temperature Section (Crn) #2 |
Solar Irradiance Section |
Liquid-Precipitation (Hourly) |
Liquid-Precipitation (Hourly) #2 |
Liquid-Precipitation (Hourly) #3 |
Liquid-Precipitation (Hourly) #4 |
Extreme Temperatures, Number Of Days Exceeding Criteria, For The Month |
Ground-Surface-Observation |
Ground-Surface-Observation Minimum-Temperature |
Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (Crn) #2 |
Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (Crn) |
Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (Crn) #3 |
Solar Radiation Section |
Hourly Fan Speed Section (Crn) #2 |
Hourly Fan Speed Section (Crn) |
Liquid-Precipitation Monthly Total |
Hourly Fan Speed Section (Crn) #3 |
Hourly Calculated Temperature Section |
Hourly Surface Temperature Sensor Section |
Hourly Surface Temperature Section |
Subhourly Wetness Section (Crn) |
Net Solar Radiation Section |
Wind-Observation |
Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Primary Sensor (Crn) |
Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Primary Sensor (Crn) #3 |
Precipitation-Observation-History |
Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Primary Sensor (Crn) #2 |
Atmospheric-Pressure-Observation For The Month (Continued) |
Average-Dew-Point-And-Wet-Bulb-Temperature |
Ground-Surface-Observation Pan Evaporation Data |
Average-Dew-Point-And-Wet-Bulb-Temperature #2 |
Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (Crn) #2 |
Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (Crn) |
Daily Present Weather Observation #1 |
Daily Present Weather Observation #2 |
Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (Crn) #3 |
Daily Present Weather Observation #3 |
Daily Present Weather Observation #4 |
Daily Present Weather Observation #5 |
Daily Present Weather Observation #6 |
Daily Present Weather Observation #7 |
Daily Present Weather Observation #8 |
Modeled Solar Irradiance Section |
Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (Crn) #2 |
Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (Crn) |
Liquid-Precipitation Greatest Amount In 24 Hours, For The Month |
Remarks |
Present Weather Observation Automated Occurrence (Asos/Awos Only) #1 |
Present Weather Observation Automated Occurrence (Asos/Awos Only) #2 |
Present Weather Observation Automated Occurrence (Asos/Awos Only) #3 |
Present Weather Observation Automated Occurrence (Asos/Awos Only) #4 |
Present Weather Observation Automated Occurrence (Asos/Awos Only) #5 |
Present Weather Observation Automated Occurrence (Asos/Awos Only) #6 |
Present Weather Observation Automated Occurrence (Asos/Awos Only) #7 |
Present Weather Observation Automated Occurrence (Asos/Awos Only) #8 |
Present Weather Observation Automated Occurrence (Asos/Awos Only) #9 |
Hourly Solar Angle Section |
Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (Crn) (Continued) |
Liquid-Precipitation, Number Of Days With Specific Amounts, For The Month |
Sky-Cover-Layer |
Sky-Cover-Layer #3 |
Sky-Cover-Layer #2 |
Sky-Cover-Layer #5 |
Sky-Cover-Layer #4 |
Sky-Cover-Layer #6 |
Supplementary-Wind-Observation |
Sky-Condition-Observation |
Supplementary-Wind-Observation #3 |
Supplementary-Wind-Observation #2 |
Platform-Ice-Accretion |
Hourly Extraterrestrial Radiation Section |
Relative-Humidity |
Present-Weather-Observation Automated |
Present-Weather-Observation Automated #2 |
Relative-Humidity #3 |
Present-Weather-Observation Automated #3 |
Relative-Humidity #2 |
Hourly Wind Section #2 |
Present-Weather-Observation Automated #4 |
Hourly Wind Section |
Present-Weather-Observation Automated #5 |
Present-Weather-Observation Automated #6 |
Present-Weather-Observation Automated #7 |
Precipitation-Estimated-Observation |
Past-Weather-Observation Summary Of Day |
Past-Weather-Observation Summary Of Day #2 |
Wind-Gust-Observation |
Past-Weather-Observation Summary Of Day #3 |
Past-Weather-Observation Summary Of Day #4 |
Past-Weather-Observation Summary Of Day #5 |
Past-Weather-Observation Summary Of Day #6 |
Liquid-Precipitation Maximum Short Duration, For The Month |
Liquid-Precipitation Maximum Short Duration, For The Month #2 |
Liquid-Precipitation Maximum Short Duration, For The Month #3 |
Liquid-Precipitation Maximum Short Duration, For The Month #4 |
Liquid-Precipitation Maximum Short Duration, For The Month #5 |
Liquid-Precipitation Maximum Short Duration, For The Month #6 |
Sky-Cover-Summation-State #2 |
Sky-Cover-Summation-State |
Dry Bulb Temperature |
Sky-Cover-Summation-State #4 |
Sky-Cover-Summation-State #3 |
Sky-Cover-Summation-State #6 |
Past-Weather-Observation Manual |
Sky-Cover-Summation-State #5 |
Past-Weather-Observation Manual #2 |
Supplementary-Wind-Observation Identifier #2 |
Supplementary-Wind-Observation Identifier |
Supplementary-Wind-Observation Identifier #3 |
Water-Surface-Ice-Observation |
Liquid-Precipitation Maximum Short Duration, For The Month (Continued) |
Liquid-Precipitation Maximum Short Duration, For The Month (Continued) #2 |
Liquid-Precipitation Maximum Short Duration, For The Month (Continued) #3 |
Liquid-Precipitation Maximum Short Duration, For The Month (Continued) #4 |
Liquid-Precipitation Maximum Short Duration, For The Month (Continued) #5 |
Liquid-Precipitation Maximum Short Duration, For The Month (Continued) #6 |
Sky-Condition-Observation Identifier |
Sea Level Pressure |
Past-Weather-Observation Automated |
Eqd |
Past-Weather-Observation Automated #2 |
Summary-Of-Day-Wind-Observation |
Atmospheric-Pressure-Observation (Alt/Stp) |
Summary-Of-Day-Wind-Observation #3 |
Summary-Of-Day-Wind-Observation #2 |
Wave-Measurement |
Hourly Diagnostic Section (Crn) |
Hourly Battery Voltage Section (Crn) |
Secondary Hourly Diagnostic Section (Crn) (Continued) |
Snow-Depth |
Secondary Hourly Diagnostic Section (Crn) |
Sky-Condition-Observation #2 |
Us-Cooperative-Network-Metadata |
Us-Cooperative-Network-Element-Time-Offset #2 |
Snow-Depth Greatest Depth On The Ground, For The Month |
Us-Cooperative-Network-Element-Time-Offset |
Us-Cooperative-Network-Element-Time-Offset #4 |
Us-Cooperative-Network-Element-Time-Offset #3 |
Us-Cooperative-Network-Element-Time-Offset #6 |
Us-Cooperative-Network-Element-Time-Offset #5 |
Us-Cooperative-Network-Element-Time-Offset #8 |
Us-Cooperative-Network-Element-Time-Offset #7 |
Below-Station-Cloud-Layer |
Below-Station-Cloud-Layer #3 |
Below-Station-Cloud-Layer #2 |
Below-Station-Cloud-Layer #5 |
Below-Station-Cloud-Layer #4 |
Below-Station-Cloud-Layer #6 |
Water-Surface-Ice-Historical-Observation |
Snow-Accumulation |
Snow-Accumulation #2 |
Snow-Accumulation #3 |
Snow-Accumulation #4 |
Hourly Solar Radiation Section |
Runway-Visual-Range-Observation |
Atmospheric-Pressure-Change |
Snow-Accumulation Greatest Amount In 24 Hours, For The Month |
Geopotential-Height-Isobaric-Level |
Extreme-Air-Temperature |
Extreme-Air-Temperature #3 |
Extreme-Air-Temperature #2 |
Extreme-Air-Temperature #4 |
Sea-Surface-Temperature-Observation |
Crn Control Section (Crn) |
Snow-Accumulation For The Month |
Present-Weather-In-Vicinity-Observation #2 |
Present-Weather-In-Vicinity-Observation |
Present-Weather-In-Vicinity-Observation #4 |
Present-Weather-In-Vicinity-Observation #3 |
Hail |
Present-Weather-In-Vicinity-Observation #6 |
Present-Weather-In-Vicinity-Observation #5 |
Present-Weather-In-Vicinity-Observation #7 |
Sunshine-Observation (For the Reporting Period) |
Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Secondary Sensor (Crn) #2 |
Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Secondary Sensor (Crn) |
Atmospheric-Pressure-Observation (Stp/Slp) |
Average-Air-Temperature #2 |
Average-Air-Temperature |
Average-Air-Temperature #3 |
Water-Level-Observation Identifier |
Liquid-Precipitation (By Minute) |
Liquid-Precipitation (By Minute) #2 |
Liquid-Precipitation (By Minute) #3 |
Present-Weather-Observation Manual |
Liquid-Precipitation (By Minute) #4 |
Present-Weather-Observation Manual #3 |
Present-Weather-Observation Manual #2 |
Present-Weather-Observation Manual #5 |
Present-Weather-Observation Manual #4 |
Present-Weather-Observation Manual #7 |
Sunshine-Observation (For Previous 24 Hour Period) |
Present-Weather-Observation Manual #6 |
Original-Observation-Ncdc-Surface-Hourly |
Atmospheric-Pressure-Observation (Stp/Slp) #2 |
Extreme Air-Temperature For The Month |
Extreme Air-Temperature For The Month #2 |
Wave-Measurement Primary Swell |
Subhourly Temperature Section (Crn) #2 |
Subhourly Temperature Section (Crn) |
Wave-Measurement Secondary Swell |
15 Minute Liquid-Precipitation |
15 Minute Liquid-Precipitation #2 |
Subhourly Temperature Section (Crn) #3 |
15 Minute Liquid-Precipitation #3 |
15 Minute Liquid-Precipitation #4 |
Sunshine-Observation (For the Month) |
Soil-Temperature |
Dew Point Temperature |
Atmospheric-Pressure-Observation For The Month |
Heating-Cooling-Degree-Days #2 |
Heating-Cooling-Degree-Days |
Hourly Temperature Section (Crn) |
Global Summary of the Month (GSOM), Version 1
Dataset Description
This Global Summaries dataset, known as GSOM for Monthly, contains a monthly resolution of meteorological elements from 1763 to present with updates applied weekly. The major parameters are: monthly mean maximum, mean minimum and mean temperatures; monthly total precipitation and snowfall; departure from normal of the mean temperature and total precipitation; monthly heating and cooling degree... Period of Record
1763-01-01 to 2025-03-26
Related Keywords
Data Types
Data Types
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 12 |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 11 |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 10 |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 15 |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 14 |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 13 |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 10 |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 13 |
Direction of Maximum 1 Minute Wind Speed |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 14 |
Direction of Maximum 2 Minute Wind Speed |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 11 |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 12 |
Direction of Maximum 5 Second Wind Speed |
Monthly Average Wet Bulb Temperature |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 15 |
Total wind movement over evaporation pan |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 01 |
Extreme maximum snowfall |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 05 |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 04 |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 03 |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 02 |
Monthly Average Sea Level Pressure |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 09 |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 12 |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 08 |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 13 |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 07 |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 14 |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 06 |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 15 |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 10 |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 11 |
Monthly Average Station Level Pressure |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 02 |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 03 |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 01 |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 06 |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 07 |
Number days with fog |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 04 |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 05 |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 08 |
Day of month of extreme minimum temperature |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 09 |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 03 |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 04 |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 05 |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 06 |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 01 |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 02 |
Monthly Average of Maximum Relative Humidity |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 07 |
Number days with maximum temperature greater than 70F (21.1C) |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 08 |
Extreme minimum temperature |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 09 |
Average Maximum Temperature |
Direction of Peak Gust Wind Speed |
Heating Degree Days Season to TIME |
Cooling Degree Days Season to Date |
Day of month of highest daily total of precipitation |
Day of month with extreme maximum temperature |
Monthly Average of Minimum Relative Humidity |
Average Wind Speed for the month |
Number days with heavy fog |
Monthly Average Dew Point Temperature |
Average Minimum Temperature |
Monthly mean minimum evaporation pan water temperature |
Direction of Maximum Fastest Mile Wind Speed |
Total sunshine |
Extreme maximum precipitation |
Total Evaporation |
Extreme maximum temperature |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 10 |
Day of month of highest daily snow depth |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 12 |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 11 |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 14 |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 10 |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 13 |
Number days with greater than 0.10 inch (2.54mm) of precipitation |
Number days with maximum temperature greater than 90F (32.2C) |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 15 |
Maximum Fastest Mile Wind Speed |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 14 |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 13 |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 12 |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 11 |
Day of month of highest daily snowfall |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 15 |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 14 |
Maximum 2 Minute Wind Speed |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 15 |
Maximum 5 Second Wind Speed |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 10 |
Number days with greater than 1.0 inch (25.4mm) of snow depth |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 11 |
Total Monthly Snowfall |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 01 |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 12 |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 13 |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 03 |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 02 |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 05 |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 04 |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 07 |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 03 |
Number days with greater than 0.01 inch (0.25mm) of precipitation |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 06 |
Heating Degree Days |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 02 |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 09 |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 01 |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 08 |
Maximum 1 Minute Wind Speed |
Number days with minimum temperature less than 0F (-17.6C) |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 07 |
Number of days with greater than 0.5 inch (12.7mm) of precipitation |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 06 |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 05 |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 04 |
Peak Gust Wind Speed |
Cooling Degree Days |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 09 |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 08 |
Number of days with greater than or equal to 1.0 inch (25.4mm) of snowfall |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 01 |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 02 |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 03 |
Precipitation |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 04 |
Monthly mean maximum evaporation pan water temperature |
Monthly Average Relative Humidity |
Number days with minimum temperature less than 32F (0C) |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 09 |
Number days with maximum temperature less than 32F (0C) |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 05 |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 06 |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 07 |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 08 |
Extreme maximum snow depth |
time of observation |
Number days with greater than 1.00 inch (25.4mm) of precipitation |
Number days with thunderstorms |
Percent of possible sunshine |
Average Average Temperature |
Types of Access
Global Summary of the Year (GSOY), Version 1
Dataset Description
This Global Summaries dataset, known as GSOY for Yearly, contains a yearly resolution of meteorological elements from 1763 to present with updates applied weekly. The major parameters are: – average annual temperature, average annual minimum and maximum temperatures; total annual precipitation and snowfall; departure from normal of the mean temperature and total precipitation; heating and cooling... Period of Record
1763-01-01 to 2025-03-26
Related Keywords
Data Types
Data Types
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 12 |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 11 |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 10 |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 15 |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 14 |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 13 |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 10 |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 13 |
Direction of Maximum 1 Minute Wind Speed |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 14 |
Direction of Maximum 2 Minute Wind Speed |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 11 |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 12 |
Direction of Maximum 5 Second Wind Speed |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 15 |
Total wind movement over evaporation pan |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 01 |
Extreme maximum snowfall |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 05 |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 04 |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 03 |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 02 |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 09 |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 12 |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 08 |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 13 |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 07 |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 14 |
Lowest minimum soil temperature - 06 |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 15 |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 10 |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 11 |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 02 |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 03 |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 01 |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 06 |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 07 |
Number days with fog |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 04 |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 05 |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 08 |
Highest maximum soil temperature - 09 |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 03 |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 04 |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 05 |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 06 |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 01 |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 02 |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 07 |
Number days with maximum temperature greater than 70F (21.1C) |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 08 |
Extreme minimum temperature |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 09 |
Average Maximum Temperature |
First freeze less than or equal to 28F (-2.2C) of the year. |
First freeze less than or equal to 32F (0C) of the year. |
Direction of Peak Gust Wind Speed |
Heating Degree Days Season to TIME |
Cooling Degree Days Season to Date |
Average Wind Speed for the month |
Number days with heavy fog |
Average Minimum Temperature |
Monthly mean minimum evaporation pan water temperature |
Direction of Maximum Fastest Mile Wind Speed |
Total sunshine |
Extreme maximum precipitation |
Total Evaporation |
Extreme maximum temperature |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 10 |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 12 |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 11 |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 14 |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 10 |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 13 |
Number days with greater than 1.0 inch (25.4mm) of precipitation |
Number days with maximum temperature greater than 90F (32.2C) |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 15 |
Maximum Fastest Mile Wind Speed |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 14 |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 13 |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 12 |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 11 |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 15 |
First freeze less than or equal to 20F (-6.7C) of the year. |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 14 |
Maximum 2 Minute Wind Speed |
First freeze less than or equal to 24F (-4.4C) of the year. |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 15 |
Last freeze less than or equal to 32F (0C) of the year. |
First freeze less than or equal to 16F (-8.9C) of the year. |
Maximum 5 Second Wind Speed |
Last freeze less than or equal to 24F (-4.4C) of the year. |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 10 |
Number days with greater than 1.0 inch (25.4mm) of snow depth |
Last freeze less than or equal to 28F (-2.2C) of the year. |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 11 |
Total Monthly Snowfall |
Last freeze less than or equal to 16F (-8.9C) of the year. |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 01 |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 12 |
Last freeze less than or equal to 20F (-6.7C) of the year. |
Monthly mean minimum soil temperature - 13 |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 03 |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 02 |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 05 |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 04 |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 07 |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 03 |
Number days with greater than 0.1 inch (2.5mm) of precipitation |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 06 |
Heating Degree Days |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 02 |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 09 |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 01 |
Highest minimum soil temperature - 08 |
Maximum 1 Minute Wind Speed |
Number days with minimum temperature less than 0F (-17.6C) |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 07 |
Number of days with greater than 0.5 inch (12.7mm) of precipitation |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 06 |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 05 |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 04 |
Peak Gust Wind Speed |
Cooling Degree Days |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 09 |
Lowest maximum soil temperature - 08 |
Number of days with greater than or equal to 1.0 inch (25.4mm) of snowfall |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 01 |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 02 |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 03 |
Precipitation |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 04 |
Monthly mean maximum evaporation pan water temperature |
Number days with minimum temperature less than 32F (0C) |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 09 |
Number days with maximum temperature less than 32F (0C) |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 05 |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 06 |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 07 |
Monthly mean maximum soil temperature - 08 |
Extreme maximum snow depth |
time of observation |
Number days with greater than 1.00 inch (25.4mm) of precipitation |
Number days with thunderstorms |
Percent of possible sunshine |
Average Average Temperature |
Types of Access
Global Historical Climatology Network - Daily (GHCN-Daily), Version 3
Dataset Description
The Global Historical Climatology Network - Daily (GHCN-Daily/GHCNd) dataset integrates daily climate observations from approximately 30 different data sources. Version 3 was released in September 2012 with the addition of data from two additional station networks. Changes to the processing system associated with the version 3 release also allowed for updates to occur 7 days a week rather than... Period of Record
1880-01-01 to 2025-03-26
Related Keywords
Data Types
Data Types
Maximum soil temperature with unknown cover at 10 cm depth |
Maximum soil temperature with unknown cover at 5 cm depth |
Average daily temperature computed as (TMAX+TMIN)/2.0 |
Maximum soil temperature with bare muck cover at 20 cm depth |
Fog, ice fog, or freezing fog (may include heavy fog) |
Thunder |
Number of days included in the multiday wind movement (MDWM) |
Multiday snowfall total |
Ash, dust, sand, or other blowing obstruction |
Maximum soil temperature with unknown cover at 20 cm depth |
Direction of fastest 1-minute wind (degrees) |
Minimum soil temperature with sod cover at 5 cm depth |
Direction of fastest 2-minute wind (degrees) |
Direction of fastest 5-second wind (degrees) |
Average Wet Bulb Temperature for the day |
Minimum soil temperature with sod cover at 150 cm depth |
Minimum soil temperature with sod cover at 180 cm depth |
Minimum soil temperature with sod cover at 50 cm depth |
Minimum soil temperature with sod cover at 100 cm depth |
Minimum soil temperature with sod cover at 10 cm depth |
24-hour wind movement |
Minimum soil temperature with sod cover at 20 cm depth |
Number of days included in the multiday precipitation total (MDPR) |
station identification code |
Average cloudiness midnight to midnight from manual observations |
Average cloudiness midnight to midnight from 30-second ceilometer data |
Maximum soil temperature with grass muck cover at 10 cm depth |
Average Sea Level Pressure for the day |
Temperature at the time of observation (tenths of degrees C) |
Average Station Level Pressure for the day |
Maximum soil temperature with bare muck cover at 10 cm depth |
Maximum soil temperature with bare muck cover at 5 cm depth |
Maximum soil temperature with fallow cover at 20 cm depth |
Maximum soil temperature with fallow cover at 10 cm depth |
Maximum soil temperature with fallow cover at 5 cm depth |
Difference between river and gauge height |
Maximum relative humidity for the day |
name of the station |
Snow depth (mm) |
Minimum soil temperature with grass muck cover at 10 cm depth |
Maximum temperature (tenths of degrees C) |
Average daily wind direction (degrees) |
Maximum soil temperature with grass cover at 20 cm depth |
Thickness of frozen ground layer |
Maximum soil temperature with grass cover at 10 cm depth |
Maximum soil temperature with grass cover at 5 cm depth |
Direction of peak wind gust (degrees) |
Maximum soil temperature with grass cover at 180 cm depth |
Maximum soil temperature with grass cover at 100 cm depth |
Snow or ice crystals |
Maximum soil temperature with grass cover at 50 cm depth |
Minimum soil temperature with straw multch cover at 5 cm depth |
Minimum relative humidity for the day |
Average daily wind speed |
Multiday minimum temperature (use with DATN) |
Rain or snow shower |
Direction of highest instantaneous wind (degrees) |
Average Dew Point Temperature for the day |
Minimum temperature (tenths of degrees C) |
Daily minimum temperature of water in an evaporation pan (tenths of degrees C) |
Fastest mile wind direction (degrees) |
Multiday maximum temperature (use with DATX) |
Daily total sunshine (minutes) |
Evaporation of water from evaporation pan |
Base of frozen ground layer |
Thunder |
Multiday wind movement |
Water equivalent of snowfall |
Ice pellets, sleet, snow pellets, or small hail |
Hail (may include small hail) |
Fastest mile wind speed |
Glaze or rime |
Dust, volcanic ash, blowing dust, blowing sand, or blowing obstruction |
Smoke or haze |
Blowing or drifting snow |
Number of days included in the multiday snow fall total (MDSF) |
Tornado, waterspout, or funnel cloud |
Peak gust time (hours and minutes, i.e., HHMM) |
High or damaging winds |
Blowing spray |
Mist |
Top of frozen ground layer |
Minimum soil temperature with grass cover at 50 cm depth |
Minimum soil temperature with grass cover at 10 cm depth |
Minimum soil temperature with grass cover at 20 cm depth |
Minimum soil temperature with grass cover at 5 cm depth |
Time of fastest mile or fastest 1-minute wind |
Maximum soil temperature with bare ground cover at 100 cm depth |
Fastest 2-minute wind speed |
Maximum soil temperature with bare ground cover at 50 cm depth |
Maximum soil temperature with bare ground cover at 20 cm depth |
Maximum soil temperature with bare ground cover at 10 cm depth |
Fastest 5-second wind speed |
Maximum soil temperature with bare ground cover at 5 cm depth |
Snowfall (mm) |
Number of days included in the multiday minimum temperature (MDTN) |
the elevation of a geophysical point of observation relative to Mean Sea Level |
Thickness of ice on water |
Multiday evaporation total (use with DAEV) |
Maximum soil temperature with bare ground cover at 150 cm depth |
Fastest 1-minute wind speed |
Minimum soil temperature with bare muck cover at 20 cm depth |
Minimum soil temperature with bare muck cover at 5 cm depth |
Minimum soil temperature with bare muck cover at 10 cm depth |
Peak guest wind speed |
Fog, ice fog, or freezing fog (may include heavy fog) |
Water equivalent of snow on the ground |
Highest instantaneous wind speed |
Heavy fog or heaving freezing fog (not always distinguished from fog) |
Minimum soil temperature with unknown cover at 20 cm depth |
Minimum soil temperature with unknown cover at 5 cm depth |
Minimum soil temperature with unknown cover at 10 cm depth |
Maximum soil temperature with straw multch cover at 5 cm depth |
Precipitation |
Daily maximum temperature of water in an evaporation pan (tenths of degrees C) |
Average relative humidity for the day |
Minimum soil temperature with bare ground cover at 150 cm depth |
Minimum soil temperature with bare ground cover at 50 cm depth |
Minimum soil temperature with bare ground cover at 100 cm depth |
Minimum soil temperature with bare ground cover at 10 cm depth |
Minimum soil temperature with bare ground cover at 20 cm depth |
Number of days included in the multiday maximum temperature (MDTX) |
Minimum soil temperature with bare ground cover at 5 cm depth |
Maximum soil temperature with sod cover at 180 cm depth |
Maximum soil temperature with sod cover at 150 cm depth |
Maximum soil temperature with sod cover at 100 cm depth |
Maximum soil temperature with sod cover at 50 cm depth |
Maximum soil temperature with sod cover at 20 cm depth |
Maximum soil temperature with sod cover at 10 cm depth |
Maximum soil temperature with sod cover at 5 cm depth |
Drizzle |
Average cloudiness sunrise to sunset from manual observations |
Freezing drizzle |
Rain (may include freezing rain, drizzle, and freezing drizzle) |
Freezing rain |
Average cloudiness sunrise to sunset from 30-second ceilometer data |
Snow, snow pellets, snow grains, or ice crystals |
Unknown source of precipitation |
Number of days included in the multiday evaporation total (MDEV) |
Ground fog |
Number of days with non-zero precipitation included in multiday precipitation t |
Ice fog or freezing fog |
Daily percent of possible sunshine |
Average temperature |
Minimum soil temperature with fallow cover at 20 cm depth |
time of observation |
Minimum soil temperature with fallow cover at 5 cm depth |
Multiday precipitation total (use with DAPR and DWPR, if available) |
Minimum soil temperature with fallow cover at 10 cm depth |
U.S. Climate Normals 2020: U.S. Monthly Climate Normals (2006-2020)
Dataset Description
The U.S. Monthly Climate Normals for 2006 to 2020 are 15-year averages of meteorological parameters that provide users supplemental normals for specialized applications for thousands of locations across the United States, as well as U.S. Territories and Commonwealths, and the Compact of Free Association nations. The stations used include those from the NWS Cooperative Observer Program (COOP)... Period of Record
2006-01 to 2020-12
Related Keywords
Data Types
Data Types
Probability of minimum temperature <= 24F at least once in the month |
Monthly heating degree days base 50F |
Number of days per month with snow depth >= 4 inch |
Probability of minimum temperature <= 20F at least once in the month |
Monthly heating degree days base 55F |
Monthly cooling degree days base 50F |
60th percentile of monthly snowfall totals |
Probability of minimum temperature <= 28F at least once in the month |
Number of days per month with minimum temperature <= 40F |
Number of days per month with maximum temperature >= 90F |
Number of days per month with snowfall >=10.0 inches |
Monthly cooling degree days base 45F |
Monthly minimum temperature standard deviation |
Monthly heating degree days base 45F |
Number of days per month with snowfall >= 4.0 inches |
60th percentile of monthly precipitation totals |
Monthly heating degree days base 60F |
Probability of minimum temperature <= 36F at least once in the month |
Monthly precipitation totals |
50th percentile of monthly precipitation totals |
Probability of minimum temperature <= 32F at least once in the month |
Monthly cooling degree days base 60F |
Number of days per month with minimum temperature <= 50F |
Monthly standard deviation of daily temperature ranges |
Monthly cooling degree days base 57F |
75th percentile of monthly precipitation totals |
Monthly cooling degree days base 55F |
Monthly heating degree days base 57F |
40th percentile of monthly snowfall totals |
80th percentile of monthly precipitation totals |
Number of days per month with snowfall >= 1.0 inches |
Monthly maximum temperature standard deviation |
Number of days per month with snow depth >= 5 inch |
Number of days per month with snow depth >= 1 inch |
Number of days per month with minimum temperature <= 20F |
Monthly cooling degree days base 72F |
Number of days per month with precipitation >= 2.00 inches |
75th percentile of monthly snowfall totals |
Monthly cooling degree days base 70F |
Number of days per month with precipitation >= 0.10 inches |
Number of days per month with precipitation >= 4.00 inches |
Number of days per month with snow depth >= 20 inch |
66.7th percentile of monthly snowfall totals |
Number of days per month with maximum temperature >= 32F |
Monthly heating degree days base 40F |
Monthly snowfall totals |
Number of days per month with minimum temperature <= 32F |
Monthly minimum temperature mean |
Number of days per month with maximum temperature >= 40F |
Monthly growing degree days base 72F |
66.7th percentile of monthly precipitation totals |
Monthly growing degree days base 70F |
Number of days per month with snowfall >= 3.0 inches |
Monthly growing degree days base 57F |
Monthly growing degree days base 55F |
Number of days per month with snowfall >=20.0 inches |
Monthly corn growing degree days base 48F limit 86F |
Number of days per month with minimum temperature <= 0F |
Number of days per month with snow depth >= 2 inch |
Monthly heating degree days base 65F |
Monthly cooling degree days base 65F |
Number of days per month with maximum temperature >= 50F |
Monthly mean of daily temperature ranges |
Monthly growing degree days base 60F |
Monthly growing degree days base 65F |
20th percentile of monthly snowfall totals |
33.3rd percentile of monthly precipitation totals |
Monthly growing degree days base 45F |
20th percentile of monthly precipitation totals |
Monthly maximum temperature mean |
Number of days per month with minimum temperature <= 10F |
Number of days per month with precipitation >= 0.25 inches |
Number of days per month with precipitation >= 6.00 inches |
Number of days per month with snowfall >= 5.0 inches |
Monthly average temperature standard deviation |
Number of days per month with maximum temperature >= 60F |
Monthly growing degree days base 50F |
Number of days per month with maximum temperature >=100F |
Number of days per month with snow depth >= 3 inch |
Number of days per month with minimum temperature <= 60F |
Number of days per month with precipitation >= 0.50 inches |
Number of days per month with maximum temperature >= 70F |
Number of days per month with snowfall >= 2.0 inches |
Number of days per month with precipitation >= 1.00 inches |
Number of days per month with snowfall >= 0.1 inches |
Monthly growing degree days base 40F |
33.3rd percentile of monthly snowfall totals |
80th percentile of monthly snowfall totals |
25th percentile of monthly snowfall totals |
50th percentile of monthly snowfall totals |
25th percentile of monthly precipitation totals |
Monthly cooling degree days base 40F |
Number of days per month with precipitation >= 0.01 inches |
Probability of minimum temperature <= 16F at least once in the month |
Number of days per month with minimum temperature <= 70F |
Number of days per month with snow depth >= 10 inch |
Monthly corn growing degree days base 50F limit 86F |
Number of days per month with maximum temperature >= 80F |
40th percentile of monthly precipitation totals |
U.S. Climate Normals 2020: U.S. Daily Climate Normals (2006-2020)
Dataset Description
The U.S. Daily Climate Normals for 2006 to 2020 are 15-year averages of meteorological parameters that provide users supplemental normals for specialized applications for thousands of locations across the United States, as well as U.S. Territories and Commonwealths, and the Compact of Free Association nations. The stations used include those from the NWS Cooperative Observer Program (COOP)... Period of Record
2006-01 to 2020-12
Related Keywords
Data Types
Data Types
Daily minimum temperature mean |
Daily average temperature standard deviation |
60th percentile of daily nonzero snowfall totals |
60th percentile of daily nonzero snow depth totals |
Daily maximum temperature mean |
33.3rd percentile of daily nonzero precipitation totals |
Daily cooling degree days base 65F |
Month-to-date precipitation totals |
25th percentile of daily nonzero snowfall totals |
50th percentile of daily nonzero snowfall totals |
Daily heating degree days base 60F |
Daily cooling degree days base 60F |
60th percentile of daily nonzero precipitation totals |
Percent of days with snowfall >= 0.1 inches |
Percent of days with precipitation >= 1.00 inches |
25th percentile of daily nonzero precipitation totals |
Daily temperature range mean |
Percent of days with precipitation >= 0.25 inches |
Daily growing degree days base 60F |
Percent of days with snowfall >= 2 inches |
33.3rd percentile of daily nonzero snowfall totals |
Daily growing degree days base 65F |
Daily average temperature mean |
Percent of days with snowfall >=10 inches |
75th percentile of daily nonzero precipitation totals |
40th percentile of daily nonzero snowfall totals |
66.7th percentile of daily nonzero snowfall totals |
Percent of days with precipitation >= 2.00 inches |
Percent of days with snow depth >= 10 inches |
Month-to-date snowfall totals |
Daily temperature range standard deviation |
Year-to-date precipitation totals |
25th percentile of daily nonzero snow depth totals |
Daily heating degree days base 65F |
Daily heating degree days base 50F |
Daily growing degree days base 57F |
Percent of days with snowfall >= 20 inches |
Daily cooling degree days base 50F |
Daily corn growing degree days base 48F limit 86F |
Daily heating degree days base 55F |
50th percentile of daily nonzero precipitation totals |
Daily maximum temperature standard deviation |
Daily cooling degree days base 55F |
Daily growing degree days base 50F |
Percent of days with snow depth >= 1 inch |
Daily heating degree days base 57F |
Daily cooling degree days base 57F |
80th percentile of daily nonzero precipitation totals |
Percent of days with snowfall >= 3 inches |
Percent of days with snow depth >= 3 inches |
Daily growing degree days base 55F |
Percent of days with snow depth >= 5 inches |
66.7th percentile of daily nonzero snow depth totals |
Percent of days with precipitation >= 4.00 inches |
Percent of days with snow depth >= 20 inches |
20th percentile of daily nonzero precipitation totals |
40th percentile of daily nonzero snow depth totals |
Daily corn growing degree days base 50F limit 86F |
Daily heating degree days base 40F |
20th percentile of daily nonzero snowfall totals |
80th percentile of daily nonzero snowfall totals |
Daily growing degree days base 45F |
Daily heating degree days base 45F |
Daily cooling degree days base 40F |
Daily growing degree days base 40F |
Percent of days with precipitation >= 0.01 inches |
Daily cooling degree days base 45F |
Percent of days with snowfall >= 4 inches |
20th percentile of daily nonzero snow depth totals |
75th percentile of daily nonzero snowfall totals |
40th percentile of daily nonzero precipitation totals |
Daily minimum temperature standard deviation |
33.3rd percentile of daily nonzero snow depth totals |
Percent of days with precipitation >= 6.00 inches |
75th percentile of daily nonzero snow depth totals |
Daily cooling degree days base 70F |
Daily cooling degree days base 72F |
Percent of days with precipitation >= 0.10 inches |
Percent of days with precipitation >= 0.50 inches |
Daily growing degree days base 72F |
66.7th percentile of daily nonzero precipitation totals |
Percent of days with snowfall >= 1 inch |
Percent of days with snow depth >= 2 inches |
Daily growing degree days base 70F |
Percent of days with snowfall >= 5 inches |
Percent of days with snow depth >= 4 inches |
50th percentile of daily nonzero snow depth totals |
80th percentile of daily nonzero snow depth totals |
Year-to-date snowfall totals |
U.S. Climate Normals 2020: U.S. Hourly Climate Normals (2006-2020)
Dataset Description
The U.S. Hourly Climate Normals for 2006 to 2020 provide users supplemental hourly normals for specialized applications for hundreds of U.S. stations located across the 50 states, as well as U.S. Territories and Commonwealths, and the Compact of Free Association nations. These stations are now largely automated, and are usually part of the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) or Automated... Period of Record
2006-01 to 2020-12
Related Keywords
Data Types
Data Types
Cloud broken percentage |
Temperature 90th percentile |
Sea level pressure 90th percentile |
Mean wind vector direction |
Dew point mean |
Temperature 10th percentile |
Heating degree hours |
Heat index mean |
Secondary wind percentage |
Dew point 90th percentile |
Cooling degree hours |
Cloud clear percentage |
Cloud scattered percentage |
Sea level pressure 10th percentile |
Average wind speed |
Prevailing wind percentage |
Percentage calm |
Secondary wind direction 1-8 |
Cloud overcast percentage |
Cloud few percentage |
Sea level pressure mean |
Mean wind vector magnitude |
Temperature mean |
Dew point 10th percentile |
Wind chill mean |
Prevailing wind direction 1-8 |
U.S. Annual/Seasonal Climate Normals (1981-2010)
Dataset Description
The U.S. Annual Climate Normals for 1981 to 2010 are 30-year averages of meteorological parameters that provide users with many tools to understand typical climate conditions for thousands of locations across the United States, as well as U.S. territories, commonwealths, the Compact of Free Association nations, and one station in Canada. As many NWS stations as possible are used, including those... Period of Record
1981-01-01 to 2010-12-31
Related Keywords
Data Types
Data Types
Long-term averages of winter cooling degree days with base 45F |
80% probability date of last 36F occurrence or later |
Long-term average number of days per summer where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term averages of winter heating degree days with base 45F |
Long-term averages of summer diurnal temperature range |
10% probability date of first 28F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of number of days during March-May with snowfall >= 1.0 inch |
50% probability date of last 20F occurrence or later |
Long-term averages of winter heating degree days with base 40F |
20% probability of 36F growing season length or longer |
20% probability of 28F growing season length or longer |
Long-term average number of days per winter where tmin is less than or equal to |
Long-term averages of number of days during June-August with snowfall >= 10.0 i |
20% probability date of first 28F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term average number of days per autumn where tmax is greater than or equal |
90% probability date of last 28F occurrence or later |
Long-term averages of number of days during September-November with snowfall >= |
20% probability date of first 36F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term average number of days per year where tmax is greater than or equal t |
90% probability date of last 36F occurrence or later |
Long-term average number of days per summer where tmax is greater than or equal |
60% probability date of last 20F occurrence or later |
30% probability of 36F growing season length or longer |
10% probability of 28F growing season length or longer |
Long-term average number of days per winter where tmin is less than or equal to |
30% probability date of first 36F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term average number of days per winter where tmax is less than or equal to |
Long-term average number of days per summer where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term average number of days per year where tmax is greater than or equal t |
Long-term averages of number of days during March-May with snow depth >= 5 inch |
70% probability date of last 20F occurrence or later |
Long-term average number of days per winter where tmin is less than or equal to |
40% probability date of first 28F occurrence or earlier |
40% probability of 36F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of annual cooling degree days with base 65F |
Long-term averages of number of days during March-May with precipitation >= 0.5 |
Long-term averages of spring cooling degree days with base 65F |
Long-term averages of seasonal snowfall totals for September-November |
80% probability date of last 20F occurrence or later |
Long-term average number of days per summer where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term average number of days per year where tmax is greater than or equal t |
Long-term averages of winter heating degree days with base 57F |
Long-term averages of winter heating degree days with base 55F |
Long-term averages of winter heating degree days with base 50F |
Long-term averages of winter heating degree days with base 60F |
Long-term average number of days per winter where tmin is less than or equal to |
30% probability date of first 28F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of number of days during September-November with snow depth |
50% probability of 36F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of number of days during the year with precipitation >= 0.10 |
10% probability date of first 36F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of number of days during December-February with snowfall >= |
90% probability date of last 20F occurrence or later |
probability of 20F or below at least once in the year |
Long-term average number of days per summer where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term average number of days per year where tmax is greater than or equal t |
40% probability date of last 28F occurrence or later |
probability of 24F or below at least once in the year |
20% probability of 20F growing season length or longer |
60% probability date of first 28F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of winter growing degree days with base 45F |
Long-term averages of winter growing degree days with base 40F |
Long-term average number of days per winter where tmin is less than or equal to |
Long-term average number of days per year where tmax is greater than or equal t |
50% probability date of last 28F occurrence or later |
probability of 16F or below at least once in the year |
Long-term averages of spring diurnal temperature range |
10% probability of 20F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of annual maximum temperature |
50% probability date of first 28F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of autumn maximum temperature |
Long-term averages of number of days during September-November with snowfall >= |
Long-term averages of number of days during December-February with snow depth > |
Long-term averages of autumn cooling degree days with base 50F |
60% probability date of last 28F occurrence or later |
Long-term averages of winter growing degree days with base 70F |
Long-term averages of summer growing degree days with base 72F |
Long-term averages of autumn cooling degree days with base 55F |
Long-term average number of days per year where tmax is greater than or equal t |
Long-term averages of summer growing degree days with base 70F |
Long-term averages of number of days during June-August with snowfall >= 0.1 in |
Long-term averages of autumn cooling degree days with base 57F |
Long-term average number of days per winter where tmin is less than or equal to |
80% probability date of first 28F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of winter growing degree days with base 65F |
Long-term averages of winter growing degree days with base 60F |
Long-term averages of spring heating degree days with base 65F |
Long-term averages of number of days during the year with precipitation >= 0.01 |
probability of 32F or below at least once in the year |
90% probability date of first 24F occurrence or earlier |
70% probability date of last 28F occurrence or later |
probability of 36F or below at least once in the year |
Long-term averages of spring minimum temperature |
Long-term averages of autumn cooling degree days with base 45F |
Long-term averages of number of days during September-November with snow depth |
Long-term averages of seasonal precipitation totals forDecember-February |
70% probability date of first 28F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of winter growing degree days with base 55F |
10% probability of 36F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of seasonal snowfall totals for March-May |
Long-term average number of days per winter where tmin is less than or equal to |
Long-term averages of winter growing degree days with base 50F |
80% probability date of last 28F occurrence or later |
probability of 28F or below at least once in the year |
Long-term averages of winter growing degree days with base 57F |
Long-term averages of summer cooling degree days with base 65F |
Long-term averages of autumn cooling degree days with base 70F |
Long-term averages of summer growing degree days with truncated bases 48F and 8 |
Long-term averages of autumn cooling degree days with base 72F |
80% probability date of first 24F occurrence or earlier |
80% probability of 16F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of seasonal snowfall totals for December-February |
Long-term average number of days per spring where tmin is less than or equal to |
60% probability of 20F growing season length or longer |
80% probability date of first 32F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of number of days during March-May with snowfall >= 10.0 inc |
Long-term average number of days per spring where tmax is greater than or equal |
10% probability date of last 28F occurrence or later |
station identification code |
Long-term average number of days per year where tmin is less than or equal to 7 |
70% probability date of first 24F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of autumn cooling degree days with base 60F |
Long-term averages of autumn heating degree days with base 60F |
Long-term averages of number of days during June-August with snowfall >= 1.0 in |
90% probability of 16F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of summer minimum temperature |
90% probability date of first 28F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term average number of days per spring where tmin is less than or equal to |
50% probability of 20F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of winter growing degree days with base 72F |
90% probability of 28F growing season length or longer |
90% probability date of first 32F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term average number of days per spring where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term average number of days per summer where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term averages of autumn heating degree days with base 55F |
Long-term averages of number of days during the year with snow depth >=5 inches |
Long-term averages of summer growing degree days with truncated bases 48F and 8 |
20% probability date of last 28F occurrence or later |
Long-term average number of days per spring where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term averages of autumn heating degree days with base 50F |
60% probability date of first 24F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of number of days during December-February with snow depth > |
Long-term averages of number of days during March-May with snow depth >= 1 inch |
Long-term averages of winter average temperature |
Long-term averages of autumn heating degree days with base 57F |
Long-term average number of days per spring where tmin is less than or equal to |
40% probability of 20F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of autumn minimum temperature |
80% probability of 28F growing season length or longer |
Long-term average number of days per year where tmin is less than or equal to 6 |
10% probability date of last 36F occurrence or later |
30% probability date of last 28F occurrence or later |
Long-term averages of autumn heating degree days with base 40F |
Long-term averages of winter growing degree days with truncated bases 48F and 8 |
Long-term averages of number of days during September-November with snow depth |
50% probability date of first 24F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of autumn heating degree days with base 45F |
Long-term average number of days per spring where tmin is less than or equal to |
Long-term averages of number of days during December-February with precipitatio |
30% probability of 20F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of annual growing degree days with truncated bases 50F and 8 |
70% probability of 28F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of summer growing degree days with truncated bases 50F and 8 |
Long-term averages of number of days during September-November with snowfall >= |
Long-term average number of days per year where tmin is less than or equal to 5 |
20% probability date of last 36F occurrence or later |
Long-term averages of summer cooling degree days with base 50F |
Long-term averages of summer cooling degree days with base 55F |
40% probability date of first 24F occurrence or earlier |
10% probability date of last 20F occurrence or later |
Long-term averages of summer cooling degree days with base 57F |
Long-term averages of spring growing degree days with base 72F |
Long-term averages of spring growing degree days with base 70F |
60% probability of 36F growing season length or longer |
40% probability date of first 32F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term average number of days per year where tmin is less than or equal to 4 |
30% probability date of last 36F occurrence or later |
60% probability of 28F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of number of days during June-August with precipitation >= 0 |
50% probability date of last 36F occurrence or later |
Long-term averages of number of days during December-February with precipitatio |
Long-term averages of summer cooling degree days with base 60F |
30% probability date of first 24F occurrence or earlier |
20% probability date of last 20F occurrence or later |
Long-term averages of winter cooling degree days with base 72F |
Long-term averages of spring growing degree days with base 65F |
the elevation of a geophysical point of observation relative to Mean Sea Level |
Long-term averages of winter cooling degree days with base 70F |
Long-term averages of number of days during March-May with snowfall >= 0.1 inch |
Long-term averages of winter minimum temperature |
Long-term averages of spring growing degree days with base 60F |
Long-term averages of number of days during September-November with precipitati |
Long-term averages of number of days during the year with snowfall >= 10.0 inch |
Long-term average number of days per spring where tmin is less than or equal to |
90% probability of 20F growing season length or longer |
70% probability of 36F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of spring growing degree days with base 57F |
Long-term average number of days per year where tmin is less than or equal to 3 |
Long-term averages of number of days during September-November with snowfall >= |
Long-term averages of number of days during the year with snow depth >= 3 inches |
50% probability of 28F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of annual precipitation totals |
50% probability date of first 32F occurrence or earlier |
40% probability date of last 36F occurrence or later |
Long-term average number of days per summer where tmin is less than or equal to |
60% probability date of last 36F occurrence or later |
Long-term averages of summer cooling degree days with base 70F |
Long-term averages of autumn cooling degree days with base 65F |
Long-term average number of days per winter where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term averages of summer cooling degree days with base 72F |
Long-term averages of number of days during March-May with snow depth >= 3 inch |
Long-term averages of number of days during December-February with snow depth > |
20% probability date of first 24F occurrence or earlier |
30% probability date of last 20F occurrence or later |
Long-term averages of winter cooling degree days with base 60F |
80% probability of 36F growing season length or longer |
80% probability of 20F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of summer average temperature |
Long-term averages of number of days during March-May with precipitation >= a 0 |
Long-term averages of number of days during December-February with precipitatio |
Long-term averages of annual heating degree days with base 65F |
Long-term average number of days per year where tmin is less than or equal to 2 |
40% probability of 28F growing season length or longer |
60% probability date of first 32F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of winter cooling degree days with base 57F |
Long-term averages of seasonal snowfall totals for June-August |
Long-term averages of number of days during the year with snowfall >= 0.1 inches |
70% probability date of last 36F occurrence or later |
Long-term averages of winter cooling degree days with base 55F |
Long-term averages of winter diurnal temperature range |
Long-term averages of winter cooling degree days with base 50F |
90% probability of 36F growing season length or longer |
10% probability date of first 24F occurrence or earlier |
40% probability date of last 20F occurrence or later |
Long-term average number of days per autumn where tmin is less than or equal to |
70% probability of 20F growing season length or longer |
Long-term average number of days per year where tmin is less than or equal to 1 |
70% probability date of first 32F occurrence or earlier |
30% probability of 28F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of number of days during June-August with snow depth >= 10 i |
70% probability date of last 16F occurrence or later |
Long-term average number of days per winter where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term averages of annual cooling degree days with base 60F |
Long-term averages of annual heating degree days with base 60F |
Long-term averages of number of days during September-November with snow depth |
Long-term average number of days per autumn where tmin is less than or equal to |
Long-term averages of spring cooling degree days with base 70F |
70% probability date of last 24F occurrence or later |
60% probability date of last 16F occurrence or later |
Long-term averages of spring cooling degree days with base 72F |
Long-term averages of number of days during September-November with precipitati |
Long-term average number of days per year where tmin is less than or equal to 0F |
Long-term average number of days per summer where tmin is less than or equal to |
70% probability date of last 32F occurrence or later |
Long-term averages of annual cooling degree days with base 55F |
10% probability of 16F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of annual cooling degree days with base 57F |
Long-term averages of annual heating degree days with base 57F |
Long-term averages of number of days during September-November with snowfall >= |
Long-term average number of days per winter where tmax is greater than or equal |
10% probability date of first 16F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of number of days during December-February with snowfall >= |
Long-term averages of spring cooling degree days with base 57F |
Long-term averages of annual heating degree days with base 50F |
Long-term averages of spring cooling degree days with base 55F |
Long-term averages of annual cooling degree days with base 50F |
Long-term averages of annual heating degree days with base 55F |
Long-term averages of spring heating degree days with base 57F |
Long-term average number of days per autumn where tmin is less than or equal to |
Long-term averages of spring cooling degree days with base 60F |
10% probability date of first 32F occurrence or earlier |
50% probability date of last 16F occurrence or later |
80% probability date of last 24F occurrence or later |
Long-term averages of spring heating degree days with base 60F |
Long-term averages of autumn average temperature |
10% probability of 32F growing season length or longer |
60% probability date of last 32F occurrence or later |
Long-term averages of number of days during the year with snow depth >= 1 inch |
Long-term average number of days per summer where tmin is less than or equal to |
Long-term averages of annual cooling degree days with base 45F |
20% probability of 24F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of number of days during the year with snowfall >= 3.0 inches |
90% probability date of last 16F occurrence or later |
Long-term average number of days per winter where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term averages of spring cooling degree days with base 45F |
Long-term averages of spring growing degree days with base 55F |
Long-term averages of autumn diurnal temperature range |
Long-term averages of spring growing degree days with base 50F |
Long-term average number of days per autumn where tmin is less than or equal to |
20% probability of 16F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of annual growing degree days with base 40F |
50% probability date of last 24F occurrence or later |
20% probability date of first 32F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of spring cooling degree days with base 50F |
Long-term averages of spring growing degree days with base 45F |
Long-term average number of days per summer where tmin is less than or equal to |
Long-term averages of annual growing degree days with base 45F |
50% probability date of last 32F occurrence or later |
10% probability of 24F growing season length or longer |
Long-term average number of days per autumn where tmax is less than or equal to |
Long-term average number of days per autumn where tmin is less than or equal to |
Long-term averages of summer cooling degree days with base 45F |
80% probability date of last 16F occurrence or later |
Long-term average number of days per winter where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term averages of number of days during June-August with snowfall >= 3.0 in |
30% probability of 16F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of spring growing degree days with base 40F |
Long-term average number of days per summer where tmax is less than or equal to |
60% probability date of last 24F occurrence or later |
40% probability date of last 32F occurrence or later |
30% probability date of first 32F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term average number of days per summer where tmin is less than or equal to |
Long-term averages of summer heating degree days with base 50F |
40% probability of 32F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of number of days during the year with snowfall >= 1.0 inches |
40% probability date of first 16F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of summer heating degree days with base 55F |
Long-term average number of days per autumn where tmin is less than or equal to |
Long-term averages of summer heating degree days with base 57F |
40% probability of 16F growing season length or longer |
20% probability date of last 16F occurrence or later |
Long-term averages of annual growing degree days with base 60F |
Long-term averages of winter cooling degree days with base 65F |
Long-term averages of annual growing degree days with base 65F |
Long-term averages of number of days during June-August with snow depth >= 1 in |
Long-term average number of days per summer where tmin is less than or equal to |
30% probability date of last 32F occurrence or later |
Long-term average number of days per spring where tmin is less than or equal to |
Long-term averages of number of days during December-February with snowfall >= |
Long-term averages of number of days during March-May with snow depth >= 10 inc |
50% probability date of first 16F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of summer heating degree days with base 60F |
50% probability of 32F growing season length or longer |
90% probability date of first 20F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term average number of days per winter where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term average number of days per autumn where tmin is less than or equal to |
Long-term average number of days per autumn where tmax is greater than or equal |
50% probability of 16F growing season length or longer |
10% probability date of last 16F occurrence or later |
Long-term averages of annual growing degree days with base 50F |
Long-term averages of annual growing degree days with base 55F |
Long-term averages of number of days during March-May with precipitation >= 0.0 |
20% probability date of last 32F occurrence or later |
Long-term averages of seasonal precipitation totals for March-May |
Long-term average number of days per spring where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term averages of annual growing degree days with base 57F |
Long-term average number of days per summer where tmin is less than or equal to |
Long-term averages of number of days during the year with precipitation >= 0.50 |
20% probability date of first 16F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term average number of days per autumn where tmin is less than or equal to |
Long-term averages of annual heating degree days with base 40F |
60% probability of 16F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of annual heating degree days with base 45F |
Long-term averages of number of days during June-August with snowfall >= 5.0 in |
Long-term averages of summer growing degree days with truncated bases 48F and 8 |
90% probability date of last 24F occurrence or later |
Long-term average number of days per spring where tmin is less than or equal to |
40% probability date of last 16F occurrence or later |
Long-term averages of number of days during the year with snow depth >=10 inches |
10% probability date of last 32F occurrence or later |
20% probability of 32F growing season length or longer |
Long-term average number of days per spring where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term averages of summer heating degree days with base 40F |
30% probability date of first 16F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of summer heating degree days with base 45F |
Long-term averages of number of days during March-May with precipitation >= 1.0 |
70% probability of 16F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of annual growing degree days with base 72F |
Long-term averages of annual growing degree days with base 70F |
Long-term average number of days per spring where tmin is less than or equal to |
30% probability date of last 16F occurrence or later |
Long-term average number of days per summer where tmin is less than or equal to |
30% probability of 32F growing season length or longer |
time of observation |
Long-term average number of days per spring where tmax is greater than or equal |
80% probability of 32F growing season length or longer |
80% probability date of first 16F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of summer growing degree days with base 57F |
Long-term averages of spring average temperature |
Long-term averages of annual average temperature |
Long-term averages of summer growing degree days with base 50F |
60% probability date of first 20F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of summer growing degree days with base 55F |
Long-term averages of number of days during September-November with precipitati |
Long-term average number of days per winter where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term averages of number of days during June-August with snow depth >= 3 in |
Long-term averages of summer maximum temperature |
80% probability of 24F growing season length or longer |
90% probability of 32F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of summer growing degree days with base 60F |
Long-term averages of number of days during the year with precipitation >= 1.00 |
50% probability date of first 20F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of summer growing degree days with base 65F |
90% probability date of first 16F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of winter growing degree days with truncated bases 50F and 8 |
Long-term average number of days per spring where tmax is less than or equal to |
70% probability of 24F growing season length or longer |
60% probability date of first 16F occurrence or earlier |
60% probability of 32F growing season length or longer |
80% probability date of first 20F occurrence or earlier |
name of the station |
Long-term averages of number of days during March-May with snowfall >= 3.0 inch |
Long-term average number of days per year where tmax is less than or equal to 3 |
80% probability date of first 36F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of autumn heating degree days with base 65F |
Long-term averages of number of days during June-August with precipitation >= 0 |
Long-term averages of summer growing degree days with truncated bases 50F and 8 |
70% probability date of first 16F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of summer growing degree days with base 45F |
Long-term averages of number of days during June-August with snow depth >= 5 in |
70% probability of 32F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of summer growing degree days with base 40F |
70% probability date of first 20F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of seasonal precipitation totals for December-February |
Long-term average number of days per autumn where tmax is greater than or equal |
90% probability date of first 36F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of winter maximum temperature |
Long-term averages of number of days during December-February with snowfall >= |
90% probability of 24F growing season length or longer |
40% probability of 24F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of fall growing degree days with base 72F |
20% probability date of first 20F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of number of days during March-May with snowfall >= 5.0 inch |
20% probability date of last 24F occurrence or later |
Long-term averages of fall growing degree days with base 70F |
Long-term average number of days per autumn where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term averages of winter heating degree days with base 65F |
60% probability date of first 36F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term average number of days per year where tmax is greater than or equal t |
30% probability of 24F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of annual diurnal temperature range |
10% probability date of first 20F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of number of days during December-February with snow depth > |
Long-term averages of fall growing degree days with base 65F |
Long-term averages of annual growing degree days with truncated bases 48F and 8 |
Long-term average number of days per winter where tmin is less than or equal to |
Long-term averages of fall growing degree days with base 60F |
30% probability date of last 24F occurrence or later |
40% probability date of last 24F occurrence or later |
70% probability date of first 36F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term average number of days per autumn where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term averages of seasonal precipitation totals for September-November |
Long-term averages of spring maximum temperature |
Long-term averages of number of days during December-February with snowfall >= |
60% probability of 24F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of fall growing degree days with base 57F |
Long-term averages of fall growing degree days with base 55F |
Long-term averages of number of days during June-August with precipitation >= 1 |
Long-term averages of annual snowfall totals |
Long-term averages of number of days during December-February with precipitatio |
40% probability date of first 20F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of fall growing degree days with base 50F |
90% probability date of last 32F occurrence or later |
Long-term averages of spring heating degree days with base 55F |
Long-term averages of spring heating degree days with base 50F |
Long-term average number of days per autumn where tmax is greater than or equal |
40% probability date of first 36F occurrence or earlier |
50% probability of 24F growing season length or longer |
Long-term averages of seasonal precipitation totals for June-August |
Long-term averages of fall growing degree days with base 45F |
Long-term averages of annual minimum temperature |
Long-term average number of days per summer where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term averages of annual cooling degree days with base 70F |
Long-term averages of fall growing degree days with base 40F |
Long-term averages of number of days during September-November with precipitati |
Long-term averages of annual cooling degree days with base 72F |
10% probability date of last 24F occurrence or later |
30% probability date of first 20F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of spring heating degree days with base 45F |
Long-term average number of days per spring where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term averages of number of days during the year with snowfall >= 5.0 inches |
Long-term averages of spring heating degree days with base 40F |
Long-term average number of days per autumn where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term averages of summer growing degree days with truncated bases 50F and 8 |
50% probability date of first 36F occurrence or earlier |
Long-term averages of number of days during June-August with precipitation >= 0 |
80% probability date of last 32F occurrence or later |
Long-term averages of summer heating degree days with base 65F |
U.S. Monthly Climate Normals (1981-2010)
Dataset Description
The U.S. Monthly Climate Normals for 1981 to 2010 are 30-year averages of meteorological parameters for thousands of U.S. stations located across the 50 states, as well as U.S. territories, commonwealths, the Compact of Free Association nations, and one station in Canada. NOAA Climate Normals are a large suite of data products that provide users with many tools to understand typical climate... Period of Record
1981-01-01 to 2010-12-31
Related Keywords
Data Types
Data Types
Long-term averages of monthly growing degree days with base 57F |
probability of 24F or below at least once in the month |
Long-term averages of monthly growing degree days with base 55F |
Long-term averages of monthly heating degree days with base 50F |
Long-term average number of days per month where tmax is greater than or equal |
probability of 20F or below at least once in the month |
Long-term averages of monthly growing degree days with truncated bases 48F and |
Long-term averages of monthly heating degree days with base 55F |
Long-term average number of days per month where tmin is less than or equal to |
Long-term averages of monthly cooling degree days with base 50F |
Long-term averages of monthly heating degree days with base 65F |
probability of 28F or below at least once in the month |
Long-term average number of days per month where tmin is less than or equal to |
Long-term averages of monthly cooling degree days with base 65F |
Long-term averages of number of days per month with Snowfall >= 10.0 inches |
Long-term averages of monthly cooling degree days with base 45F |
Long-term averages of monthly diurnal temperature range |
Long-term standard deviations of monthly minimum temperature |
Long-term averages of monthly growing degree days with base 60F |
Long-term averages of monthly heating degree days with base 45F |
Long-term averages of monthly growing degree days with base 65F |
Long-term averages of monthly heating degree days with base 60F |
station identification code |
Long-term averages of monthly growing degree days with base 45F |
probability of 36F or below at least once in the month |
Long-term average number of days per month where tmax is greater than or equal |
50th percentiles of monthly precipitation totals |
Long-term averages of monthly precipitation totals |
probability of 32F or below at least once in the month |
Long-term averages of monthly maximum temperature |
Long-term average number of days per month where tmin is less than or equal to |
the elevation of a geophysical point of observation relative to Mean Sea Level |
Long-term averages of monthly cooling degree days with base 60F |
Long-term average number of days per month where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term average number of days per month where tmin is less than or equal to |
Long-term averages of monthly cooling degree days with base 57F |
Long-term standard deviations of monthly diurnal temperature range |
75th percentiles of monthly precipitation totals |
Long-term averages of monthly cooling degree days with base 55F |
Long-term averages of number of days per month with Snowfall >= 5.0 inches |
Long-term standard deviations of monthly average temperature |
Long-term averages of monthly heating degree days with base 57F |
Long-term averages of monthly growing degree days with base 50F |
Long-term averages of number of days per month with Snowfall >= 1.0 inches |
Long-term standard deviations of monthly maximum temperature |
Long-term average number of days per month where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term averages of number of days per month with snow depth >= 5 inches |
Long-term average number of days per month where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term averages of number of days per month with snow depth >= 1 inch |
Long-term averages of monthly cooling degree days with base 72F |
Long-term averages of number of days per month with snow depth >= 3 inches |
Long-term average number of days per month where tmin is less than or equal to |
75th percentiles of monthly snowfall totals |
Long-term averages of monthly cooling degree days with base 70F |
Long-term averages of number of days per month with precipitation >= 0.10 inches |
name of the station |
Long-term averages of number of days per month with precipitation >= 0.50 inches |
Long-term average number of days per month where tmin is less than or equal to |
Long-term averages of monthly average temperature |
Long-term averages of number of days per month with precipitation >= 1.00 inches |
Long-term averages of number of days per month with Snowfall >= 0.1 inches |
Long-term averages of monthly growing degree days with base 40F |
25th percentiles of monthly snowfall totals |
50th percentiles of monthly snowfall totals |
Long-term averages of monthly heating degree days with base 40F |
Long-term average number of days per month where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term averages of monthly snowfall totals |
25th percentiles of monthly precipitation totals |
Long-term average number of days per month where tmax is greater than or equal |
Long-term average number of days per month where tmin is less than or equal to |
Long-term averages of number of days per month with precipitation >= 0.01 inches |
probability of 16F or below at least once in the month |
Long-term averages of number of days per month with snow depth >= 10 inches |
Long-term average number of days per month where tmin is less than or equal to |
Long-term averages of monthly growing degree days with truncated bases 50F and |
Long-term averages of monthly minimum temperature |
Long-term average number of days per month where tmax is less than or equal to |
Long-term averages of monthly growing degree days with base 72F |
Long-term averages of monthly growing degree days with base 70F |
Long-term averages of number of days per month with Snowfall >= 3.0 inches |
time of observation |