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Cronin et al. 2000 Chesapeake Bay Foraminifera Counts and Paleosalinity Estimates


Cronin, T.M.; Willard, D.A.; Karlsen, A.; Ishman, S.; Verardo, S.; McGeehin, J.P.; Kerhin, R.; Holmes, C.; Colman, S.M.; Zimmerman, A.

Citation Information:

Cronin, T., D. Willard, A. Karlsen, S. Ishman, S. Verardo, J. McGeehin, R. Kerhin, C. Holmes, S. Colman, and A. Zimmerman. 2000. Climatic variability in the eastern United States over the past millennium from Chesapeake Bay sediments. Geology, 28(1), 3-6. doi: 10.1130/0091-7613(2000)28<3:CVITEU>2.0.CO;2
Lat:0, Lon:0

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Chesapeake Bay
Original Data and Full Metadatachesapeake_paleosalinity.txt

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National Centers for Environmental Information, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce

Resource Description (data set id):


Data Coverage:

Southernmost Latitude: 37
Northernmost Latitude: 40
Westernmost Longitude: -77
Easternmost Longitude: -76
Minimum Elevation: Unknown
Maximum Elevation: Unknown
Earliest Year: 500 cal yr BP (1450 CE)
Most Recent Year: -46 cal yr BP (1996 CE)

Science Keywords:

Other Hydroclimate Reconstruction


earth science>paleoclimate>paleocean


Salinity oscillations caused by multidecadal climatic variability had major impacts on the Chesapeake Bay estuarine ecosystem during the past 1000 yr. Microfossils from sediments dated by radiometry (14C, 137Cs, 210Pb) and pollen stratigraphy indicate that salinity in mesohaline regions oscillated 10–15 ppt during periods of extreme drought (low fresh-water discharge) and wet climate (high discharge). During the past 500 yr, 14 wet-dry cycles occurred, including sixteenth and early seventeenth century megadroughts that exceeded twentieth century droughts in their severity. These droughts correspond to extremely dry climate also recorded in North American tree-ring records and by early colonists. Wet periods occurred every ∼60–70 yr, began abruptly, lasted <20 yr, and had mean annual rainfall ∼25%–30% and fresh-water discharge ∼40%–50% greater than during droughts. A shift toward wetter regional climate occurred in the early nineteenth century, lowering salinity and compounding the effects of agricultural land clearance on bay ecosystems.

More Information:

Additional References:

Stuiver, M. and Reimer, P. 1993. Extended 14C data base and revised CALIB 3.0 14C age calibration program. Radiocarbon, 35(1), 215-230. doi: 10.1017/S0033822200013904

Contact Information:

National Centers for Environmental Information, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce
325 Broadway, E/NE31
Boulder, CO 80305-3328