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Attending the 2018 AMS Annual Meeting

Photo of Austin, Texas
©iStock RoschetzkylstockPhoto

Several of our scientists and staff are attending the 2018 American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting(link is external) from January 7 through January 11 in Austin, Texas. The meeting brings together more than 3,500 scientists, educators, students, and other professionals from across the weather, water, and climate community. Attendees encounter unique opportunities to share with, learn from, and collaborate with their colleagues to further advance the scientific community’s understanding of how the entire Earth system works, functions, and evolves.

Check out the topics below to learn more about some of the products and services that our scientists are highlighting at the meeting. And, follow #AMS2018 and #NCEIatAMS on social media for more updates on the AMS Annual Meeting and our contributions to it.

Visit the NOAA Booth

Some of our scientists will also be giving presentations at the NOAA booth (booth 301). If you’re attending the meeting, stop by and visit the booth in the main exhibit hall to hear:

  • Deke Arndt speak about the state of the climate in 2017 on Tuesday at 9:00 AM (CT)
  • Stephanie Herring speak about extreme events and climate change on Tuesday at 3:30 PM (CT)
  • NCEI Director, Mary Wohlgemuth, speak about the value of NCEI’s data and information on Wednesday at 11:00 AM (CT)

NOAA meteorologists and other scientists will also be available to talk with you and answer any questions you may have about our data, products, and services.

Town Hall: Environmental Information for Resilience in Infrastructure

On Tuesday, January 9, NCEI and its partners will lead a town hall discussion(link is external) on how NOAA and NCEI have been serving the infrastructure sector of our Nation’s economy. The town hall will take place from 12:15 PM to 1:15 PM (CT) in Room 18B of the Austin Convention Center and Hilton. This town hall dialogue will provide an opportunity for infrastructure and scientific experts to discuss current techniques, datasets, and challenges. This forum intends to foster and reinforce the lines of communication and ensure NCEI is providing information that can lead to improved infrastructure resilience.

Assessing the State of the Climate

We place a high priority on interpreting and applying scientific understanding to our extensive array of climate datasets. To that end, we provide analyses of weather and climate events, placing them into proper historical perspective, understanding their unusualness, and—increasingly—comparing recent events to expectations of future climate conditions. We recently released the 2017 Annual U.S. Climate Report Summary, which provides an analysis of the year’s climate.

Check out our AMS talks, posters, and presentations for opportunities to learn more about our understanding of Earth’s climate system.

Preserving and Providing Access to Data

NCEI maintains one of the most significant archives of environmental information on Earth, with comprehensive oceanic, atmospheric, and geophysical data. Every month, we archive over 26 terabytes of data from more than 130 observing platforms. And, we provide access to this extensive array of data through several outlets and in a variety of formats. We regularly evaluate and update both our archive and access methods to ensure we’re providing you with the highest-quality data through the best means possible.

Check out our AMS talks, posters, and presentations for opportunities to learn more about how NCEI preserves and provides access to a treasure trove of environmental data.

Communicating Science Verbally, Visually, Editorially, and Digitally

Every day we communicate to share and generate ideas, exchange information, inform the public, and create an understanding and awareness of our sciences. And we do this with the goal of benefitting society within an ever-changing backdrop of technology and knowledge. Our staff regularly speak at conferences and events, develop visual representations of scientific findings, write scores of papers and reports, and create web and social media content all with the goal of making our data, information, and science more accessible to you.

Check out our AMS talks, posters, and presentations for opportunities to learn more about how we communicate our science.

NCEI Talks, Posters, and Presentations

All times listed below are in Central Time and all rooms are in the Austin Convention Center and Hilton.

Monday, January 8

Tuesday, January 9

Wednesday, January 10

Thursday, January 11

Wednesday, January 10

Thursday, January 11