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Engineering Weather Data

Name Retail Price Online Store Price Quantity
CDEWD $84.00 $39.00

Important Note: These data and products may have conditions placed on their international commercial use. Please read the WMO Resolution 40 NOAA Policy page for more information.


This CD-ROM contains an update of a very popular publication that was first printed by the Air Force in 1967 and republished in 1978. As compared to the Engineering Weather Data publication, the new interactive CD-ROM data base contains updated meteorological tables, new summarized parameters, and graphical displays. Approximately 800 worldwide stations have been summarized. The period of record summarized for most stations is 1973-1996.

For each station, the data and information on this CD-ROM include: summarized design criteria data for dry and wet bulb temperatures and humidity ratios, average annual climate summaries, psychrometric summaries, binned temperature data, annual temperature and humidity summaries, heating and cooling degree data summaries for building envelop loads, ventilation and infiltration loads, solar radiation data, and seasonal wind direction and wind speed summaries.

Additional Information


Station Lists:
Alphabetical by Station Name
Ascending Order by WMO Number